So let’s see.. if I’m correct I left off shortly before my vacation, so I might as well just start with that. Mind you this is not as detailed as I can be, could be due to illness and me simply blanking on things ^^:;; Gomen Nasi!!
September 19th (Saturday): So around six something in the morning I woke up, grabbed my bag and keys and headed out the door to the train station. The ride from Kurobe to Toyama was relatively easy and so was the transfer to the JR Express to Osaka. I ended up sitting next to African mother with two kids who were speaking fluent Japanese. Apparently the mom was from Africa and moved to France and now is living in a Japan. She was nice but her kids were a tad bit annoying.
The rest of the train ride was fairly normal. Listened to my MP3 player and slept a bit. I arrived at the station twenty minutes or so later then the scheduled arrival time, but it was ok since Phage hadn’t gotten to the station to pick me up yet. However that was shortly remedied as we met up giving each other big hugs, and this was the start of one jam packed vacation. We headed out, and checked out the stations closest Mall at Umeda and looked at Gatchipan (sp??), Video Games, Cell phones, and Camera’s before we both agreed on the need for food. We ended up going to this Ramen shop and it was the first Ramen I’ve had in Japan. I’m sure those would ask what took me so long… well I was too busy eating raw things in the country ^^;; After walking around we found ourselves in this park-ish area and talked for a few hours about various things; mostly our views on Japan as a whole. Then we got up and from there and walked around more and then we went shopping! Now, I am not a person that really shops, but this was the first mall I’ve seen since the states so I was more than thrilled there was a place I could buy stuff. The mall had lots of floors and was rather large. We ended up on this floor which should have been called “We like Black Culture floor” because everything there had some relation to African hip-hop/rock culture. So needless to say they were a bit friendlier or at least intrigued to see me walking in and out of shops there. I ended up buying a hat and some bracelet at this one store because the salesman was so enthusiastic and thought I was the coolest thing since sliced bread. After that we checked the top floors where all the photo booths are at and other arcade games. We played a bit and lost some money in other things trying to win stuff, but it was all fun.
With this we headed to shin sai bashi where we were trying to check out the club scene. With this we ended up running into some gaijin who were on holiday much like I was and were all from Michigan. One looked like he stepped clear out of “That 70’s Show” and the other two just well… weird. Nevertheless we followed them to a Mexican bar where we had drinks and met a cool waitress who showed us where all the clubs were in the area. I remember that we didn’t actually manage to club but after walking around and stopping here and there for random foods we ended up in this lounge place called “Open End.” By this point it was near four in the morning, and we decided it was much better to relax and have a drink at this lounge because we were tired as all hell. The waitress was cute as she could be while she was DJ-ing the rap music and bouncing to it all at the same time. It wasn’t long before she closed up shop and we had to find somewhere else to wander until the trains started running again. Luckily for us we walked into a massage parlor that was still opened. We managed to get some deal to share an hour between us for a fee that wasn’t too bad. We were shown up to our room, where we had personal showers, face creams and hair products, changing robes, the whole nine. Even though we both got treatments that didn’t require lack of clothing, we both were made to put on the robes and then half-way de-robe during the massage process. That massage was nice as hell, and that is all I can really say to that XD. Once it was over I hoped in the shower, changed clothes and felt ten times better and much more awake then I had a little over an hour before. When this was done they gave us tea to drink and beckoned us to come back. It was a wonderful experience, and one I surly wouldn’t mind doing again. With this we caught the train, got home, and took some well deserved rest.
September 20th:
With a good amount of sleep under my belt, and feeling physically less sick because of it Aaron and didn’t start out the day till well after 4pm. The main goal of the day was to get to Den Den town. Basically DenDen town is supposed to be the mecca of Anime and Electronics for the area. So getting to that part of Osaka we took a walk towards everything shinny. This ended with us poking around in an arcade for around three hours. I lost money trying to win things out of those machines and I almost won that Monster Hunter plush doll. I also found this one arcade called Jubeat which was rather fun. Here is a video of someone playing here I wouldn’t mind if this game came to the states. I think people would like it. After playing around in the arcade we spent the majority of the next hour or two trying to find DenDen town. Apparently this was a ghost town because no one knew what we were talking about. So after a while I said let’s give up and we focused out attention to finding food since neither of us had eaten the entire day. After denouncing squid we ended up in this restaurant that serves all you can eat meat. Of course this was right up my alley. The man who owned the shop could speak English perfectly and was a great help to us, and was very kind. We even landed a free drink because we went to a restaurant guide corner to find this place. It was quite fun cooking the food, and it was all very delicious. I ate my full and more. The music was nice and I recognized several songs. I topped the night off with mango or was it green tea ice-cream. The ice-cream was accompanied by the owner whose name was Harry. He told us about how he started his business and how he learned English so well. Apparently he spent 12 years in New York, and liked it very much. Needless to say this resulted in us missing the train again, and we went back to the main area in Umeda and located a manga café which we booked for five hours.
September 21st:
I managed to check my email and listen to some music before attempting sleep. Manga café’s are cool, but it would take another go at it to get the hang of it. It didn’t help that by this point my illness was getting worse. Around 5-6 am we left the café and attempted to get money from the ATM. Apparently my bank is strictly local and does not allow money to be taken out of the bank from other areas. Needless to say this leaves me without much money. Thankfully the money for transportation was given to me , and after some running about and cursing the bagle bagle place for not being open we caught the train to Kyoto for this big outdoor flee market. It was nice to see the shrines and all the vendors. I had to rest for a while cause I felt pretty sick but at the end I scooped up two plush phone/key charms and a kimono. No time to wear it now, but perhaps next summer I’ll have a chance to wear it. We could only stay a few hours because Aaron had class. We made it back on time and walked to his campus which is RIDICULOUS! It is like Princeton/Harvard rich people campus. Those campuses you see on TV shows and movies. Needless to say I waited in the lounge and talked to a Texan for a while, while waiting for Aaron to get out of class. Once he did I met his French friend whose name escapes me and we headed for the train station to eat dinner at Aaron’s former host families home. They were a very nice family, and the father looks like a lot of fun. We had rice and okonomiyaki and sake and wonderful Indonesian snacks. Most of the night was spent talking in Japanese so I stayed quiet and watched the crazy Japanese game show that was on TV. I did chime in every now and again, but I’ll just have to practice more so I can get somewhere near decent at Japanese. After dinner coffee Aaron and I headed back home. When we got there we took showers, talked for a while and slept.
September 22nd:
I stayed sleep for a long time while Aaron went to school. When he returned home we chatted together and then headed to the train station to see me off. I would have like to stay a bit longer for his birthday but schedules and such kinda made it impossible. Needless to say I got my bagel sandwich and got on the train back to Kurobe. Thanks for a good time Phage ^^ and happy B-day ^^
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Rest is for the weak!!!! XD
I really need to start writing these things before I have to compile a long list of recaps for you all. ^^;; That and it would make remembering details far easier. Not to mention that this might be the longest post I have, but I’ll cross my fingers for your sake that it isn’t! XD
September 11th (Friday): Today was a day spent at Koshino Jr. High. I enjoy the kids there, and although sometimes the teacher I work with doesn’t quite do it for me when it comes to the expectations of the children in our class he is an overall nice guy. However a day at this school or any of my schools is always a tiring one, and though I planned to go home and simply relax I was coaxed (with little effort) to head out later in the evening for dinner at Peyote’s (Mexican restaurant). The idea of heavier types of food is always an appealing thought while in this country so I jumped on it. Once picked up Rosa and then we went to Peyote’s where we were eventually joined by eight or so more people. There isn’t too much to tell about the night other then the random trash talking of Twilight with the girls and a heated discussion over the Harry Potter series. I must admit I love engaging in conversation about Harry Potter. I simply adore that series, probably one of the only if not the only book series I went out of my way or wanted to pursue. It was great catching up with people I haven’t seen in a while and it was fun watching two of my friends tying their legs together with table towels to run a three legged race against two guys outside the restaurant. I didn’t go personally see it myself but I’m sure it was to die for. After a little while and some frustrating personal traits of a certain someone I decided to head home.
September 12th (Saturday):Today was supposed to be Sports day for my elementary school, but it was cancel due to rain. With this I slept in and was wakened around 11:30 by Matt who asked for me to come and join him in Takaoka( an hour or so by train) to enjoy the festival. Takaoka was celebrating it’s 400th birthday so he invited me for the festivities. I agreed to come so I took a slightly nerve racking train ride (cause I don’t know where the heck I was going) I arrived in Takaoka station. This was where I was confronted with my first Mc Donald’s since Tokyo. Now I know this seems like a rather trivial thing, but when you are used to eating a certain type of way things of the norm look really good to you when you don’t have them. Nevertheless I resisted the temptation and met up with Matt. We then proceeded to head to someone’s house where they were practicing “ A Yellow Submarine” to the crowd at the festival area. They were all wearing hippy 70’s gear and matt ended up looking like a hippy Harry Potter. It was rather amusing. Finally we made our way back to the Festival area where they went in front and sung. The audience was rather slim do to the poor weather but they received and applause and a dancing Brazilian to boot. After this it was all about walking up and down looking at all the food vendors. The major festival activities were to happen on the following day, but that was ok. I ended up buying a rather handsome amount of festival food, including this meat on a stick thing which undoubting had been the best meat I had, had since arriving in Japan. Nevertheless we found our way to an area where a pair of people was playing piano and violin on stage. We sat and chatted and listened to the music until they were off stage. Once that was done we met up with Kelly and proceeded to locate a place for dinner. With a rather long discussion on options and then a brief stop in a non-satisfactory dinner we ended up at this traditional food place. It was cool and there was lots of fun chatter to be had. One topic in which we discussed the vileness of Kelly’s food choice and watched others mutilate the “food” that was on her plate. I of course ordered something that I didn’t really end up liking and just pawned it off onto other people. At this stage we decided to break up the group and me, Matt, Kelly and Chris ( a brit) went to another bar where we all ordered wonderful food and GOOD drinks. Needless to say this ended me with staying in Takaoka for the night. It was my choice and it was worth it to spend time with them. At this point however we (Kelly, Matt, and me) were rather exhausted and walked back to Matt’s place for the night. They kindly offered me their spare room and I slept in a bed for the first time since Tokyo Orientation. Needless to say considering that I was over and hour by train from my house I wished for rain the following morning, so I didn’t have to rush back home. Though I wasn’t as lucky and I received a call from a friend telling me that sports day was on for Sunday.
September 13th Sunday: With a more then tiring fast walk to the station I said farewell to my friends and hopped on the train back to Kurobe. I made it in about an hour. Ran to my parked car and drove home. There I simply put on a hat, grabbed my camcorder and jumped back in the car and drove to the school. Granted this school is in walking distance, but I was trying to make up lost time seeing as I was already an hour and a half late for the start of sports day. Once I got there I found Brett and the rest of the senior staff (principle and so on) and sat with them under the tent. The children were wonderfully cute and still pretty awesome despite how young most of them were. I recorded what I could before the battery died and then during lunch, ran home and ate and charged my battery for an hour. Then I rushed back to the school and watched the remainder of sports day. I brought my jacket along because it was on and off light raining (which the children played through) and it was rather windy. When the sports day was over I said hello to a few kids, confirmed that I would attending the enkai that night and returned home for a short intermission of my rather busy weekend.
Around six that evening I changed clothes and walked back to Chuo to be picked up by a fellow teacher. There I met up with them a few minutes later and we were off to the enaki which was surprisingly close to where we work/ I live. We walked in, I took a few pictures, the opening speech was said and then dinner was up. Now I had expected food to be much like the pervious enaki, but I was thankfully mistaken. There was perhaps one plate of uncooked articles of food, and the rest was lovely. They had yakatori, barbecued beef, lasagna, friend chicken, orange chicken, salad, fresh fruits, tea, wine, sake, beer etc.. I ate rather happily and with some amazing conversation to boot. I was asked many questions and I was given a lot of laughs and responses. It even got to a point where I was speaking to a large group of five or six of my fellow coworkers in a circle where we talked about anime, music, sports, nick-names, zodiac signs, singing, favorite foods and so on. They were wonderful people!!! We all have nicknames and we carried these throughout the remainder of the night. Mine was Ah-chan. The others had some shortened variation of their first name. We laughed and joked and just couldn’t get enough of each other. Then I decided to say hi to the rest of the table because that’s only the polite thing to do, and it’s the Japanese enkai thing to do. So bringing a bottle of beer with me to fill their glasses I walked over to the other side of the table and began talking to a fellow English teacher (Who’s English isn’t that great lol) and I suppose the gym coach. Well I hope he was the gym coach because the man is around 6ft 3in and about 240 pounds. We ended up talking about ages and siblings. I told him that he was very tall and he said in response that this was normal size. I died laughing. I also told him that my brother was around his height and bigger in weight, and he asked if we ever fought. I told him sometimes, but more in a playful manner. He then asked if I could win and told him that sometimes I do. With a look of surprise he asked me how and I told him I just go for the knees. He nodded at this and took a long swig of his beer. Then after stating the fact (at least to him) that I was cute he stood to his feet and said that he was leaving. However before he said his farewells he told me to not take out his knees on his way out, and once again I laughed heartily. Shortly after departing speeches (which spoke very highly of me) it was time to go. However I managed to get friendly with the crowd who wanted the night to continue. So we exited the enaki restaurant and walked five minutes down the road to a bar. It was a cute bar and there we had more drinks, I introduced them to the combination of peach vodka and orange juice, given tests to make sure I remembered all their nick names, and was asked many more questions which I didn’t mind answering in the slightest. Karaoke broke out and I ended up singing some traditional Japanese song with them. I only did the refrain because a 2 year old could have done it and they were very happy I participated. Of course this led them to playing the sailor moon theme for me to sing, which I sung in English. A few more random songs of mine followed and once again it seems I have a amassed a following of people who love to hear me sing. It’s weird XD Needless to say the entire night was wonderful and then we headed home around two where I feel asleep almost immediately.
September 14th Monday: So today is supposed to be a day of daikyuu, which are days you receive when you work on a non work day. Since I attended sports day and the enkai I was allotted this privilege though I think I would have received it any considering the entire school was involved and the school would be inevitably closed. Needless to say I was woken around 9:30 to a call from Chuo. I tried to call back but with no answer. This led to a minor freak out where I got dressed, drove to Chuo in deep worry that I was supposed to be at school. Thankfully I was wrong and I arrive to an empty school. I called my JTE (Japanese teacher of English) anyway to confirm and then decided since I was awake to run a few errands. I managed to finally send things through the post office (Both my Gollyods application and something for my cell phone) and pick up my tickets for my travels during the upcoming silver week holiday. With that I returned home and did some random things that at the moment I don’t truly recall and although I didn’t notice till Wednesday, completely forgot to go to my Eikawa class in Nyuzen that evening.
September 15th Tuesday: Today was a day at Koshino. I enjoy the students there and I had a rather good day at work. Once class in particular where I went to assist a regular English class ( I teach in English conversation classes) it was an activity to help them make sentences and to ask a lot of questions. So the kids had to think of as many questions as they could about me and then when it was time to ask me the questions and I’d give answers. In turn they would take these answers and write a short paragraph about me. I received some interesting questions though none of them were shocking or surprising. I was asked if I was in love, and I told them no. I asked the student if he was, and he said yes, but it was a secret. I was asked about anime, and things I like, how much my watch cost, if I liked to read short novels and so on and so on. This class was wonderful because there was a lot of participation and it made the class fun. At the end of class I was given the papers to grade. It was toooooo adorable that after writing about a few things they learned about me, some students added at the bottom that they thought I was very nice, and some thought I was cute/beautiful. This NEARLY made me cry XD. I finished grading them and I took a picture or two of the papers. Once I got home I was very tired. I wanted to go to sleep but I ended up calling Rosa after washing my hair and such and met up with her at Pizza Jambori for dinner. A short while later Lawrence came in as well and we stayed while he ate. It was a pleasant dinner. Once that happened I went home and I think this was the night where I finished Code Geass R2. *SIGH* I actually shed like a tear or two on this one. It’s ridiculous. I won’t say anything about it as to not spoil it for those who haven’t seen it, but damn… just damn.
September 16th Wednesday: Today was a day at Chuo, and also a day where I climbed stairs a whole hell of a lot. I’m not sure why I hadn’t experienced this occurrence since I’ve started working here, but I need the exercise so I didn’t complain. Today was a good day with the kids and I made another lunch speech where I told them how much I enjoyed their sports day and also how I was taking a trip to Osaka during the Silver Week holidays. I had great fun teaching country flags where I added dramatic sound effects and noises to make the lesson more interesting. The kids and the teachers loved it. I liked doing it, and for some magical reason unknown to me I can currently roll my R’s to perfection. Why in Japan does this happen? It would have been more effective in Spain XD. EH, well I suppose it’s no different than me finding out that I think Asians are attractive in Italy. I’m weird @.@ XD Never the less I ended up leaving school around one because there was a meeting for the NIikawa Jet’s. So I picked up Rosa and went to Uozu for the meeting. It was nice seeing faces I hadn’t seen in a while, and seeing faces that I have. The meeting was about confusing money matters and issues we may or may not being having with teaching thus far. It was nice to vent a bit. Not that there was much of a problem, but everyone has quirks, some just show more than others. Well once the meeting was over we ended up going to kitokito, the same sushi place I had went to with Jack and the other last week. So I just ordered the thing I like the most, and ate pineapple ice cream which is super strong in flavor. It was good though Another successful post-meeting meal out of the way, I left so I can head to Brett’s. He had a football game playing and food up for grabs. Couldn’t past that, but on the way I stopped at the book off store and bought seven CD’s for under twenty-five dollars. I consider that a pretty good deal. After grabbing up the CD’s (which happen to be some of the first CD’s I’ve purchased since CD burners were made >.>) I went to Brett’s. There I ended up watching a Green Bay game, even though I would have never watched it otherwise, it was the first bit of football I’ve seen in a while. Pizza, fries, hotdogs, and cheesecake to eat was more than compensation for watching a team I’ve never had an interest in. I even managed to get a few songs of Rock Band in before leaving his place. One more stop before I went back to my apartment (Brett lives across the street) was to stop by Lawrence’s place and look at the two baby kittens he just got. I was up for one of those kittens. They are adorable, but kittens turn into cats, and well the cuteness kinda fades away. So I passed it up for that and other reasons. If I need to I’ll just go play with the cats when I want to. THEN!!!!! I went home, and I wasn’t up for too much longer though I did stuff a leftover piece of pizza in my face. I simply pigged out today, but I suppose everyone has splurge days where they simply can’t stop eating. Then I went to sleep, and to be honest I hope the next couple days are rather quite cause I’m going to rather busy for most of Silver Week break.
September 17th Thursday: Today was Takase Jr. High and the first time since I’ve been coming to this school that I’ve taught classes. I had four classes, and much like every school I did a form of self introduction. That was the basis of the class so there isn’t much to tell on that front. Other than that during breaks I managed to sketch out something I might want to rework later, and get a blog entry out of the way. As far as work goes there isn’t too much more to tell. It was a good day, though I think the kids at this school are bit more shy then the kids at Koshino, but perhaps they’ll get over being shy and speak up. However when I left the school the yelled out to me from the windows and said hello and goodbye. It was really cute. When I got home I changed clothes and then went with Brett and his wife Nana to deal with some car issues. I went and paid my first ever car payment (*pats wallet*) and then after he finished his car business we went to Mc Donald's. I couldn't resist this time, and I got a meal. IT WAS SO FLIPPIN DELICIOUS!!! Judge me if you will but I am one happy camper!!!
September 11th (Friday): Today was a day spent at Koshino Jr. High. I enjoy the kids there, and although sometimes the teacher I work with doesn’t quite do it for me when it comes to the expectations of the children in our class he is an overall nice guy. However a day at this school or any of my schools is always a tiring one, and though I planned to go home and simply relax I was coaxed (with little effort) to head out later in the evening for dinner at Peyote’s (Mexican restaurant). The idea of heavier types of food is always an appealing thought while in this country so I jumped on it. Once picked up Rosa and then we went to Peyote’s where we were eventually joined by eight or so more people. There isn’t too much to tell about the night other then the random trash talking of Twilight with the girls and a heated discussion over the Harry Potter series. I must admit I love engaging in conversation about Harry Potter. I simply adore that series, probably one of the only if not the only book series I went out of my way or wanted to pursue. It was great catching up with people I haven’t seen in a while and it was fun watching two of my friends tying their legs together with table towels to run a three legged race against two guys outside the restaurant. I didn’t go personally see it myself but I’m sure it was to die for. After a little while and some frustrating personal traits of a certain someone I decided to head home.
September 12th (Saturday):Today was supposed to be Sports day for my elementary school, but it was cancel due to rain. With this I slept in and was wakened around 11:30 by Matt who asked for me to come and join him in Takaoka( an hour or so by train) to enjoy the festival. Takaoka was celebrating it’s 400th birthday so he invited me for the festivities. I agreed to come so I took a slightly nerve racking train ride (cause I don’t know where the heck I was going) I arrived in Takaoka station. This was where I was confronted with my first Mc Donald’s since Tokyo. Now I know this seems like a rather trivial thing, but when you are used to eating a certain type of way things of the norm look really good to you when you don’t have them. Nevertheless I resisted the temptation and met up with Matt. We then proceeded to head to someone’s house where they were practicing “ A Yellow Submarine” to the crowd at the festival area. They were all wearing hippy 70’s gear and matt ended up looking like a hippy Harry Potter. It was rather amusing. Finally we made our way back to the Festival area where they went in front and sung. The audience was rather slim do to the poor weather but they received and applause and a dancing Brazilian to boot. After this it was all about walking up and down looking at all the food vendors. The major festival activities were to happen on the following day, but that was ok. I ended up buying a rather handsome amount of festival food, including this meat on a stick thing which undoubting had been the best meat I had, had since arriving in Japan. Nevertheless we found our way to an area where a pair of people was playing piano and violin on stage. We sat and chatted and listened to the music until they were off stage. Once that was done we met up with Kelly and proceeded to locate a place for dinner. With a rather long discussion on options and then a brief stop in a non-satisfactory dinner we ended up at this traditional food place. It was cool and there was lots of fun chatter to be had. One topic in which we discussed the vileness of Kelly’s food choice and watched others mutilate the “food” that was on her plate. I of course ordered something that I didn’t really end up liking and just pawned it off onto other people. At this stage we decided to break up the group and me, Matt, Kelly and Chris ( a brit) went to another bar where we all ordered wonderful food and GOOD drinks. Needless to say this ended me with staying in Takaoka for the night. It was my choice and it was worth it to spend time with them. At this point however we (Kelly, Matt, and me) were rather exhausted and walked back to Matt’s place for the night. They kindly offered me their spare room and I slept in a bed for the first time since Tokyo Orientation. Needless to say considering that I was over and hour by train from my house I wished for rain the following morning, so I didn’t have to rush back home. Though I wasn’t as lucky and I received a call from a friend telling me that sports day was on for Sunday.
September 13th Sunday: With a more then tiring fast walk to the station I said farewell to my friends and hopped on the train back to Kurobe. I made it in about an hour. Ran to my parked car and drove home. There I simply put on a hat, grabbed my camcorder and jumped back in the car and drove to the school. Granted this school is in walking distance, but I was trying to make up lost time seeing as I was already an hour and a half late for the start of sports day. Once I got there I found Brett and the rest of the senior staff (principle and so on) and sat with them under the tent. The children were wonderfully cute and still pretty awesome despite how young most of them were. I recorded what I could before the battery died and then during lunch, ran home and ate and charged my battery for an hour. Then I rushed back to the school and watched the remainder of sports day. I brought my jacket along because it was on and off light raining (which the children played through) and it was rather windy. When the sports day was over I said hello to a few kids, confirmed that I would attending the enkai that night and returned home for a short intermission of my rather busy weekend.
Around six that evening I changed clothes and walked back to Chuo to be picked up by a fellow teacher. There I met up with them a few minutes later and we were off to the enaki which was surprisingly close to where we work/ I live. We walked in, I took a few pictures, the opening speech was said and then dinner was up. Now I had expected food to be much like the pervious enaki, but I was thankfully mistaken. There was perhaps one plate of uncooked articles of food, and the rest was lovely. They had yakatori, barbecued beef, lasagna, friend chicken, orange chicken, salad, fresh fruits, tea, wine, sake, beer etc.. I ate rather happily and with some amazing conversation to boot. I was asked many questions and I was given a lot of laughs and responses. It even got to a point where I was speaking to a large group of five or six of my fellow coworkers in a circle where we talked about anime, music, sports, nick-names, zodiac signs, singing, favorite foods and so on. They were wonderful people!!! We all have nicknames and we carried these throughout the remainder of the night. Mine was Ah-chan. The others had some shortened variation of their first name. We laughed and joked and just couldn’t get enough of each other. Then I decided to say hi to the rest of the table because that’s only the polite thing to do, and it’s the Japanese enkai thing to do. So bringing a bottle of beer with me to fill their glasses I walked over to the other side of the table and began talking to a fellow English teacher (Who’s English isn’t that great lol) and I suppose the gym coach. Well I hope he was the gym coach because the man is around 6ft 3in and about 240 pounds. We ended up talking about ages and siblings. I told him that he was very tall and he said in response that this was normal size. I died laughing. I also told him that my brother was around his height and bigger in weight, and he asked if we ever fought. I told him sometimes, but more in a playful manner. He then asked if I could win and told him that sometimes I do. With a look of surprise he asked me how and I told him I just go for the knees. He nodded at this and took a long swig of his beer. Then after stating the fact (at least to him) that I was cute he stood to his feet and said that he was leaving. However before he said his farewells he told me to not take out his knees on his way out, and once again I laughed heartily. Shortly after departing speeches (which spoke very highly of me) it was time to go. However I managed to get friendly with the crowd who wanted the night to continue. So we exited the enaki restaurant and walked five minutes down the road to a bar. It was a cute bar and there we had more drinks, I introduced them to the combination of peach vodka and orange juice, given tests to make sure I remembered all their nick names, and was asked many more questions which I didn’t mind answering in the slightest. Karaoke broke out and I ended up singing some traditional Japanese song with them. I only did the refrain because a 2 year old could have done it and they were very happy I participated. Of course this led them to playing the sailor moon theme for me to sing, which I sung in English. A few more random songs of mine followed and once again it seems I have a amassed a following of people who love to hear me sing. It’s weird XD Needless to say the entire night was wonderful and then we headed home around two where I feel asleep almost immediately.
September 14th Monday: So today is supposed to be a day of daikyuu, which are days you receive when you work on a non work day. Since I attended sports day and the enkai I was allotted this privilege though I think I would have received it any considering the entire school was involved and the school would be inevitably closed. Needless to say I was woken around 9:30 to a call from Chuo. I tried to call back but with no answer. This led to a minor freak out where I got dressed, drove to Chuo in deep worry that I was supposed to be at school. Thankfully I was wrong and I arrive to an empty school. I called my JTE (Japanese teacher of English) anyway to confirm and then decided since I was awake to run a few errands. I managed to finally send things through the post office (Both my Gollyods application and something for my cell phone) and pick up my tickets for my travels during the upcoming silver week holiday. With that I returned home and did some random things that at the moment I don’t truly recall and although I didn’t notice till Wednesday, completely forgot to go to my Eikawa class in Nyuzen that evening.
September 15th Tuesday: Today was a day at Koshino. I enjoy the students there and I had a rather good day at work. Once class in particular where I went to assist a regular English class ( I teach in English conversation classes) it was an activity to help them make sentences and to ask a lot of questions. So the kids had to think of as many questions as they could about me and then when it was time to ask me the questions and I’d give answers. In turn they would take these answers and write a short paragraph about me. I received some interesting questions though none of them were shocking or surprising. I was asked if I was in love, and I told them no. I asked the student if he was, and he said yes, but it was a secret. I was asked about anime, and things I like, how much my watch cost, if I liked to read short novels and so on and so on. This class was wonderful because there was a lot of participation and it made the class fun. At the end of class I was given the papers to grade. It was toooooo adorable that after writing about a few things they learned about me, some students added at the bottom that they thought I was very nice, and some thought I was cute/beautiful. This NEARLY made me cry XD. I finished grading them and I took a picture or two of the papers. Once I got home I was very tired. I wanted to go to sleep but I ended up calling Rosa after washing my hair and such and met up with her at Pizza Jambori for dinner. A short while later Lawrence came in as well and we stayed while he ate. It was a pleasant dinner. Once that happened I went home and I think this was the night where I finished Code Geass R2. *SIGH* I actually shed like a tear or two on this one. It’s ridiculous. I won’t say anything about it as to not spoil it for those who haven’t seen it, but damn… just damn.
September 16th Wednesday: Today was a day at Chuo, and also a day where I climbed stairs a whole hell of a lot. I’m not sure why I hadn’t experienced this occurrence since I’ve started working here, but I need the exercise so I didn’t complain. Today was a good day with the kids and I made another lunch speech where I told them how much I enjoyed their sports day and also how I was taking a trip to Osaka during the Silver Week holidays. I had great fun teaching country flags where I added dramatic sound effects and noises to make the lesson more interesting. The kids and the teachers loved it. I liked doing it, and for some magical reason unknown to me I can currently roll my R’s to perfection. Why in Japan does this happen? It would have been more effective in Spain XD. EH, well I suppose it’s no different than me finding out that I think Asians are attractive in Italy. I’m weird @.@ XD Never the less I ended up leaving school around one because there was a meeting for the NIikawa Jet’s. So I picked up Rosa and went to Uozu for the meeting. It was nice seeing faces I hadn’t seen in a while, and seeing faces that I have. The meeting was about confusing money matters and issues we may or may not being having with teaching thus far. It was nice to vent a bit. Not that there was much of a problem, but everyone has quirks, some just show more than others. Well once the meeting was over we ended up going to kitokito, the same sushi place I had went to with Jack and the other last week. So I just ordered the thing I like the most, and ate pineapple ice cream which is super strong in flavor. It was good though Another successful post-meeting meal out of the way, I left so I can head to Brett’s. He had a football game playing and food up for grabs. Couldn’t past that, but on the way I stopped at the book off store and bought seven CD’s for under twenty-five dollars. I consider that a pretty good deal. After grabbing up the CD’s (which happen to be some of the first CD’s I’ve purchased since CD burners were made >.>) I went to Brett’s. There I ended up watching a Green Bay game, even though I would have never watched it otherwise, it was the first bit of football I’ve seen in a while. Pizza, fries, hotdogs, and cheesecake to eat was more than compensation for watching a team I’ve never had an interest in. I even managed to get a few songs of Rock Band in before leaving his place. One more stop before I went back to my apartment (Brett lives across the street) was to stop by Lawrence’s place and look at the two baby kittens he just got. I was up for one of those kittens. They are adorable, but kittens turn into cats, and well the cuteness kinda fades away. So I passed it up for that and other reasons. If I need to I’ll just go play with the cats when I want to. THEN!!!!! I went home, and I wasn’t up for too much longer though I did stuff a leftover piece of pizza in my face. I simply pigged out today, but I suppose everyone has splurge days where they simply can’t stop eating. Then I went to sleep, and to be honest I hope the next couple days are rather quite cause I’m going to rather busy for most of Silver Week break.
September 17th Thursday: Today was Takase Jr. High and the first time since I’ve been coming to this school that I’ve taught classes. I had four classes, and much like every school I did a form of self introduction. That was the basis of the class so there isn’t much to tell on that front. Other than that during breaks I managed to sketch out something I might want to rework later, and get a blog entry out of the way. As far as work goes there isn’t too much more to tell. It was a good day, though I think the kids at this school are bit more shy then the kids at Koshino, but perhaps they’ll get over being shy and speak up. However when I left the school the yelled out to me from the windows and said hello and goodbye. It was really cute. When I got home I changed clothes and then went with Brett and his wife Nana to deal with some car issues. I went and paid my first ever car payment (*pats wallet*) and then after he finished his car business we went to Mc Donald's. I couldn't resist this time, and I got a meal. IT WAS SO FLIPPIN DELICIOUS!!! Judge me if you will but I am one happy camper!!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Busy Busy Busy
OK!!! Let's continue...
September 5th:
Today was Koshino's and Takase's sports day. My plan was to go to Koshino's sports day in the morning and in the afternoon travel to Takase to watch the remainder of their sports events. Well as luck turned out I ended up waking up two hours later then I was supposed to. I blame this half on the fact my alarm didn't go off and the other half on being out the night before and thusly being rather exhausted. Nevertheless I made it to Koshino and sat outside with both the principle and the PTA leader who spoke pretty good English. So I talked with him briefly then focused on watching the sporting events. I only manged to see a couple races before it was time for lunch. I hadn't planned on being at Koshino during lunch so I had nothing to eat. I was ok with this simply based off the fact that I normally don't eat shortly after I wake up. However one of the teachers, whom I think is rather nice and friendly asked if I wanted to share. Well I declined but she insisted. However by “share” she meant give me her entire bento and she snag some food off a friend. I felt pretty bad about that, but she said it was just fine. I'll have to do something nice for her in the future. After lunch I went back outside to see the cheering competition that the kids had. The cheer competitions are very serious. Red against white with hand painted banners on each side of the field. I have to admit that I liked the Red teams cheering part of sports day better. The cheer competition is basically a 6 minute show case of how great their respective cheers are. To display their ability to act as one, have leadership, and to prove that they are the best team. If I remember correctly the cheer competition was won by the red team. Nevertheless I couldn't stay at Koshino, and drove with all speed to Takase to watch the rest of the competition. There I met with the principle and Enrique( a fellow JET) and we watched the rest of the competition. My favorite event at this school was the wrestling event. One boy climbs on the back of two others. They meet up in the middle and try to knock the opposing teams top member off. The boys who were on the others shoulders worn karate/judo jackets. It was truly original and a bit dangerous. I'm positive even if we had sports day the boys at our schools would not be able to do this type of event. Nevertheless I ended my day there around 3 in the afternoon, and headed home.
Around two hours later I was picked up by the vice-principle of Takase to go to my first enkai. This enkai was to be held at an onsen place not too far away from where I live. I got there and was greeted by a nice women who pointed to where I wold be sitting. It was along the same row as the Principle and it had my name on a label. Each person had their own personal table with food decoratively placed on fancy plates and bowls. Every two people had their own full bottle of beer which was quite nice. Once the opening speech was over we ate. Granted the food was questionable at times, I made the best of it. Although I'm not big on beer I find that if I don't like the taste of a particular food, beer gets rid of the taste rather fast. Along side of beer there was sake offered. I find it funny that I was the first one to ask for sake out of a room of Japanese people, however me being the sole drinker of sake didn't last. ^ ^ After a while of this I noticed that people leaving their seats with a bottle in and and walking around sitting in front of others tables. They would pour them a drink and engage in conversation. I was approached by several people and I spoke to them as best I could. Enrique helped a little with translation. Finally I got up and walked around. I ended up going to those who knew at least a little English. It was enlightening and all together fun. After this I was slightly forced to sing one karaoke song that went horribly considering I didn't know the words XD. When it was time to leave most of us ended up heading to another small spot to get drinks. This was even more relaxed because I talked with people about anime, what they like, where we've been in the world, all the while drinking and laughing. They were very nice and I enjoyed their company. They even paid for the cable car ride home for me. I was also told that I was going to get and Miyasaki present from one of my fellow co-workers but we will see if he remembers. I would remind him but somehow I think that would be rude ^ ^;; .
Sunday September 6th:
Thankfully nothing exciting happened today. I was more then happy to do a little bit of nothing. I watched some anime and attempted to clean my apartment. It's a bit messy.
September 7th(Monday):
Monday back at Chuo Elementary school. To be honest this day is a bit of a blur. I know I had a good time with the kids and I do remember giving my self introduction to one of my classes again. The major issue with this was the fact that apparently some kid who normally doesn't participate in class participated in my class, and then proceeded to ask me in all seriousness “how I wanted to die” >.> Now.. this is a strange question to say the least... he's going to be one of -those- kids. However I feel like I should come up with an answer for him.. see how that goes. * smirk * I also believe we practiced flag and country names. Well after work I got home and I honestly couldn't tell you what happened after that. ^_^
September 8th(Tuesday):
Today I was late for work by 20 minutes. I was very tired from the night before (don't know why) and my alarm once again neglected to wake me. Nevertheless I apologized profusely and I think the principle even till today is kinda off about it. Not because he's mad but because I was so apologetic. Despite this I had pretty good classes. I like the kids at Koshino so that helps. Once I got home if I remember correctly I laid down. It was rather rainy . I was told about a deal on PS3's and made it happen. For the life of me I don:t remember what day I went to the bank and roamed through Kurobe on an electronics binge but I know I officially have a PS3 120gig as of today. I bought Heavenly Sword for it, and although I like it I find it a bit difficult to play based off the simple fact that the games functions are all in Japanese, but the dialogue in game play is all in English. It's nice having a PS3 and being capable to afford one without worry even though the price has dropped. I look forward to buying BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, and purchasing Bayonetta when that comes out. However I might wait till it comes out in the US and have one shipped here. We shall see.
September 9th (Wednesday) :
Today I was back at Chuo Elementary school, and now that my self introduction classes were over we focused on learning numbers. I reviewed the numbers with the class first ( 1-20) and then we played the seven steps game. It's a song you sing. It goes like:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10
8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
You sing the numbers out once, and then the trick is to take away a number and replace that with an action. So if I were to take away the number 4 then that number would be replaced like so: 1 2 3 *clap * 5 6 7. Well to make it fun and interesting for the kids I made a lot of funny noises and actions for them to do every time we replaced a number. The kids had an absolute ball. Although I learned the basics of this song from an orientation group, I added my own charm to it, and the teachers said they've never seen anything like it, and that they enjoyed it immensely. I quite enjoyed it myself because the kids were so happy. I also did my first lunch speech today. Lunch speech is when I come up with a short comment about anything I want and tell the children over the intercom. My JTE (Japanese teacher of English) translates after every few lines. I made a question box as well and I really hope there are a lot of questions for me. That way I know the kids are interested and that they want to get to know me better. Teaching 3rd and 4th grades are rather tiring. I do most of the teaching in Chuo so it takes even more energy out of me. I don't direct as much in the Jr high schools, I definitely just do more assisting with the occasional lead in a speaking activity.
Once I returned home from work I got a call from Lawrence telling me that we were going to meet Jack for sushi. Though as tired as I am I try not to miss the opportunity to go someplace new or with friends. So we end up at this sushi place in Uozu (the next town over) and had sushi. I stayed away from most things, but took a picture or two of things I would never eat. I mostly had tuna sushi which is their version of tuna fish with seaweed, rice and corn. It was quite tasty. We lingered their for awhile all the while chatting with this friend of a friend that was staying in Jacks place. Shes a nice girl and is here in Japan on vacation. Leaving the sushi bar however there was invitation to go to the onsen. I declined and stayed at home. Outside of being tired I still haven't settled with the idea of onsens quite yet. Perhaps one day soon.
September 10th (Thursday) :
Back at Takase and once again I didn't have classes. It's weird because as it's looking I'm never going to teach there. XD There wasn't even a computer for me to work on, so I basically drew in my sketchbook the whole time. I had some success but nothing I think is all that great. Around one or so I tried to walk around because it was becoming epically hard for me to stay awake. So I ended up taking my phone and going outside on one of the balconies. It was very sunny and the school grounds are rather pretty so I snapped a few shots of that. I also took this opportunity to sit on the balcony floor under some nearby shade and just reseted there. I think I faded in and out of sleep for nearly and half an hour. It was a perfect place to catch a nap but I wouldn't want to get caught. So after that rather reflective/relaxing/anime moment I went back inside and was oddly refreshed for most of the remainder of the day. At the end of the day I did stay for a little past the time I'm suppose to, to watch badminton practice. Some of those kids were good, and would have given my badminton team in high school a run for their money... and I'm sure they'd win most of the money. They practice more technique then we ever did and they practice longer as well.
Getting home I managed to get up enough will to begin power cleaning my apartment. I mean bleach for days kinda power clean. Granted I managed to finish the bathroom and the kitchen, the living room is little to be desired. I would have finished more if I wasn't invited out to Okinomiyaki with Jack and the crew again. I went of course and we all had fun talking and making our own okinomiyaki at the table grills. We ofcourse talked about potential game nights ( DnD, magic, Video games etc) and other excursions/ trips we should all go on. After that place we stopped at another place around the corner for drinks. It was a cute Japanese/Moroccan styled place. Ironically the owner of the store was the same women who did the belly dancing at the outdoor music show the past week. Very small town XD It was simple taking and light drinks. No one could afford to get tipsy or wanted to for that matter. Just all around good company. Once that was over I made it home and talked with mother dearest for a bit. Then to bed I went!!!

September 5th:
Today was Koshino's and Takase's sports day. My plan was to go to Koshino's sports day in the morning and in the afternoon travel to Takase to watch the remainder of their sports events. Well as luck turned out I ended up waking up two hours later then I was supposed to. I blame this half on the fact my alarm didn't go off and the other half on being out the night before and thusly being rather exhausted. Nevertheless I made it to Koshino and sat outside with both the principle and the PTA leader who spoke pretty good English. So I talked with him briefly then focused on watching the sporting events. I only manged to see a couple races before it was time for lunch. I hadn't planned on being at Koshino during lunch so I had nothing to eat. I was ok with this simply based off the fact that I normally don't eat shortly after I wake up. However one of the teachers, whom I think is rather nice and friendly asked if I wanted to share. Well I declined but she insisted. However by “share” she meant give me her entire bento and she snag some food off a friend. I felt pretty bad about that, but she said it was just fine. I'll have to do something nice for her in the future. After lunch I went back outside to see the cheering competition that the kids had. The cheer competitions are very serious. Red against white with hand painted banners on each side of the field. I have to admit that I liked the Red teams cheering part of sports day better. The cheer competition is basically a 6 minute show case of how great their respective cheers are. To display their ability to act as one, have leadership, and to prove that they are the best team. If I remember correctly the cheer competition was won by the red team. Nevertheless I couldn't stay at Koshino, and drove with all speed to Takase to watch the rest of the competition. There I met with the principle and Enrique( a fellow JET) and we watched the rest of the competition. My favorite event at this school was the wrestling event. One boy climbs on the back of two others. They meet up in the middle and try to knock the opposing teams top member off. The boys who were on the others shoulders worn karate/judo jackets. It was truly original and a bit dangerous. I'm positive even if we had sports day the boys at our schools would not be able to do this type of event. Nevertheless I ended my day there around 3 in the afternoon, and headed home.
Around two hours later I was picked up by the vice-principle of Takase to go to my first enkai. This enkai was to be held at an onsen place not too far away from where I live. I got there and was greeted by a nice women who pointed to where I wold be sitting. It was along the same row as the Principle and it had my name on a label. Each person had their own personal table with food decoratively placed on fancy plates and bowls. Every two people had their own full bottle of beer which was quite nice. Once the opening speech was over we ate. Granted the food was questionable at times, I made the best of it. Although I'm not big on beer I find that if I don't like the taste of a particular food, beer gets rid of the taste rather fast. Along side of beer there was sake offered. I find it funny that I was the first one to ask for sake out of a room of Japanese people, however me being the sole drinker of sake didn't last. ^ ^ After a while of this I noticed that people leaving their seats with a bottle in and and walking around sitting in front of others tables. They would pour them a drink and engage in conversation. I was approached by several people and I spoke to them as best I could. Enrique helped a little with translation. Finally I got up and walked around. I ended up going to those who knew at least a little English. It was enlightening and all together fun. After this I was slightly forced to sing one karaoke song that went horribly considering I didn't know the words XD. When it was time to leave most of us ended up heading to another small spot to get drinks. This was even more relaxed because I talked with people about anime, what they like, where we've been in the world, all the while drinking and laughing. They were very nice and I enjoyed their company. They even paid for the cable car ride home for me. I was also told that I was going to get and Miyasaki present from one of my fellow co-workers but we will see if he remembers. I would remind him but somehow I think that would be rude ^ ^;; .
Sunday September 6th:
Thankfully nothing exciting happened today. I was more then happy to do a little bit of nothing. I watched some anime and attempted to clean my apartment. It's a bit messy.
September 7th(Monday):
Monday back at Chuo Elementary school. To be honest this day is a bit of a blur. I know I had a good time with the kids and I do remember giving my self introduction to one of my classes again. The major issue with this was the fact that apparently some kid who normally doesn't participate in class participated in my class, and then proceeded to ask me in all seriousness “how I wanted to die” >.> Now.. this is a strange question to say the least... he's going to be one of -those- kids. However I feel like I should come up with an answer for him.. see how that goes. * smirk * I also believe we practiced flag and country names. Well after work I got home and I honestly couldn't tell you what happened after that. ^_^
September 8th(Tuesday):
Today I was late for work by 20 minutes. I was very tired from the night before (don't know why) and my alarm once again neglected to wake me. Nevertheless I apologized profusely and I think the principle even till today is kinda off about it. Not because he's mad but because I was so apologetic. Despite this I had pretty good classes. I like the kids at Koshino so that helps. Once I got home if I remember correctly I laid down. It was rather rainy . I was told about a deal on PS3's and made it happen. For the life of me I don:t remember what day I went to the bank and roamed through Kurobe on an electronics binge but I know I officially have a PS3 120gig as of today. I bought Heavenly Sword for it, and although I like it I find it a bit difficult to play based off the simple fact that the games functions are all in Japanese, but the dialogue in game play is all in English. It's nice having a PS3 and being capable to afford one without worry even though the price has dropped. I look forward to buying BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger, and purchasing Bayonetta when that comes out. However I might wait till it comes out in the US and have one shipped here. We shall see.
September 9th (Wednesday) :
Today I was back at Chuo Elementary school, and now that my self introduction classes were over we focused on learning numbers. I reviewed the numbers with the class first ( 1-20) and then we played the seven steps game. It's a song you sing. It goes like:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10
8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
You sing the numbers out once, and then the trick is to take away a number and replace that with an action. So if I were to take away the number 4 then that number would be replaced like so: 1 2 3 *clap * 5 6 7. Well to make it fun and interesting for the kids I made a lot of funny noises and actions for them to do every time we replaced a number. The kids had an absolute ball. Although I learned the basics of this song from an orientation group, I added my own charm to it, and the teachers said they've never seen anything like it, and that they enjoyed it immensely. I quite enjoyed it myself because the kids were so happy. I also did my first lunch speech today. Lunch speech is when I come up with a short comment about anything I want and tell the children over the intercom. My JTE (Japanese teacher of English) translates after every few lines. I made a question box as well and I really hope there are a lot of questions for me. That way I know the kids are interested and that they want to get to know me better. Teaching 3rd and 4th grades are rather tiring. I do most of the teaching in Chuo so it takes even more energy out of me. I don't direct as much in the Jr high schools, I definitely just do more assisting with the occasional lead in a speaking activity.
Once I returned home from work I got a call from Lawrence telling me that we were going to meet Jack for sushi. Though as tired as I am I try not to miss the opportunity to go someplace new or with friends. So we end up at this sushi place in Uozu (the next town over) and had sushi. I stayed away from most things, but took a picture or two of things I would never eat. I mostly had tuna sushi which is their version of tuna fish with seaweed, rice and corn. It was quite tasty. We lingered their for awhile all the while chatting with this friend of a friend that was staying in Jacks place. Shes a nice girl and is here in Japan on vacation. Leaving the sushi bar however there was invitation to go to the onsen. I declined and stayed at home. Outside of being tired I still haven't settled with the idea of onsens quite yet. Perhaps one day soon.
September 10th (Thursday) :
Back at Takase and once again I didn't have classes. It's weird because as it's looking I'm never going to teach there. XD There wasn't even a computer for me to work on, so I basically drew in my sketchbook the whole time. I had some success but nothing I think is all that great. Around one or so I tried to walk around because it was becoming epically hard for me to stay awake. So I ended up taking my phone and going outside on one of the balconies. It was very sunny and the school grounds are rather pretty so I snapped a few shots of that. I also took this opportunity to sit on the balcony floor under some nearby shade and just reseted there. I think I faded in and out of sleep for nearly and half an hour. It was a perfect place to catch a nap but I wouldn't want to get caught. So after that rather reflective/relaxing/anime moment I went back inside and was oddly refreshed for most of the remainder of the day. At the end of the day I did stay for a little past the time I'm suppose to, to watch badminton practice. Some of those kids were good, and would have given my badminton team in high school a run for their money... and I'm sure they'd win most of the money. They practice more technique then we ever did and they practice longer as well.
Getting home I managed to get up enough will to begin power cleaning my apartment. I mean bleach for days kinda power clean. Granted I managed to finish the bathroom and the kitchen, the living room is little to be desired. I would have finished more if I wasn't invited out to Okinomiyaki with Jack and the crew again. I went of course and we all had fun talking and making our own okinomiyaki at the table grills. We ofcourse talked about potential game nights ( DnD, magic, Video games etc) and other excursions/ trips we should all go on. After that place we stopped at another place around the corner for drinks. It was a cute Japanese/Moroccan styled place. Ironically the owner of the store was the same women who did the belly dancing at the outdoor music show the past week. Very small town XD It was simple taking and light drinks. No one could afford to get tipsy or wanted to for that matter. Just all around good company. Once that was over I made it home and talked with mother dearest for a bit. Then to bed I went!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
First Week of School ^^
Lets see.. my first official week of school started last Tuesday on the 1st of September. I went to Koshino Jr. High school. I gave an introduction speech in front of the school in retarded four year old Japanese and then was ready to start the day. I only had two classes because the kids were preparing themselves for the sports day activities that coming Saturday. I had a absolutely wonderful time during these two classes. We played the true and false game with money. This game was my introduction speech as all the questions were about me. Much like back home I tend to be fond of the boys over the girls. They are more open to mess up if they say the English words wrong and they are quite funny. The girls are sweet and mostly very quite. There are a few that have some real spunk and I must say I enjoy that. Other then my two classes that day I spent most of my time watching them practice out on the field. The Japanese are truly serious about Sports day. The kind of work and discipline and thought that goes into the preparation of sports day is amazing. Also the kids come up with the majority of the things they were doing during the cheer competition and such so the responsibility level is high. Nevertheless, the day went so well that on my way home I was on cloud nine. The weather contributed to my mood since it was quite sunny and everything seemed to glow a brighter color then usual. I even took pictures of random rice fields and house on my way back home because I was so happy. Went I got home I wanted to go out and celebrate my first day but everyone was quite sleep. So I decided to take a nap and ended up sleeping clear to the next day of work.
Wednesday 2nd:
Today I went to Chuo Elementary school. I had four or five classes. A few of the kids recognized me from the children centers I had went to during their summer vacation. Needless to say I got fairly tackled. Well not in hugs but more like random clings to my hands and arms. I'm not sure that the Japanese really hug each other all that much. Needless to say that this day was rather enjoyable as well. I had power point presentations for the kids and they were all quite impressed that me, a foreigner and a black one at that could like video games, anime and so on. Japanese children are so ridiculously cute that I must stick with my theory that they are genetically engineered to look cute, otherwise it would simply not be fair. During my lunch break some of the girls came into the office and gave me a origami flower with a ornate panda sticker in the middle and told me it was a present for me. They then asked the principle and the Japanese English teacher I work with if they could take me and play. Of course I agreed and we spent some time making random origami objects. Needless to say I was rather genki myself and rode home planning once again to celebrate my first days at work. I ended up going out with Rosa to this “steak” restaurant for a hardy meal. However I am forced to say that although the meal was good, there is no such thing as real beef in Japan. I LIVE in the country and I've never seen a cow. >.> After dinner we headed back home.
Thursday 3rd:
This was Takase Jr. High school, and I had no classes whatsoever. I haven't met any of my students at Takase because they were all practicing for their sports day as well. However I gave the principle his Italian tie I bought as omiyage(gift) and he put it on immediately. It seems he really like it, and it looked really nice on him at that. Later on in the day he invited me down to his office to get to know me better. Toshi( the English teacher I work with for that school) came with me as the mediator/translator for the both of us. Let me say that it must be nice to be a principle in Japan. That office was flippin dank. I mean plush leather furniture and large windows, plaques and carpet, and cherry wood items and furniture. I was like “whoa....” He served us dango(japanese sweet), and coffee while we talked. He seems to be a really nice guy and it was nice that he went through the trouble to get to know me. I have to say that though I had a nice day, it was damned hard to stay awake when I had nothing to do for around 8 hours. I went home and honestly I don't remember what I did when I got home so I'll skip that.
Friday 4th:
I return to Koshino, but like Takase Jr. High they were preparing for sports day so all classes were canceled so they could practice and prepare. For most of th day at school, I just went around saying hi to the students and watching them practice. One thing is for sure however... I could never do what these kids do. No wonder most of these kids are in shape... if they weren't they'd never make it through their PE classes. If America did half the things these kids did in PE the weight problem would drop significantly. Come on America... hop on it! So once again another good day at work. Friday didn't come to an end after work however. Me, Rosa, Lawrence and several other coworkers including my boss Fujita-san all met up at this nice Karaoke bar around 7pm to welcome a new ALT. This was one hell of a party. I walked in and paid my 2000yen and then got paid for my summer camp help. Then we went into the room and had a whole bunch of snacks and alcohol. MY boss and Yoko also brought a special jug of sake with them that was an rather high in alcohol content. They said it was strong and that they wanted me to try it because I had mentioned before that I could take strong liquor. When I took some of it and didn't bat an eye, they were highly impressed. Since this was a karaoke bar, there was lots of singing to be had, and finally everyone got to hear me sing. My first song was rather shaky because I was hella nervous, but after three cans of something and everyone having a good time I loosened up and just sung songs. Let's just say went I sung Crazy by Gnarles Barkely they had a fit. From that moment on (My drunk boss) told me that he loved my singing and only wanted to hear more of my singing. -^_^- It was flattering but a little unnerving all at the same time. I received ridiculous amounts of praise throughout the night as I kept on singing other songs. On top of that my boss kept screaming out my name and other people gave that “OMFG where the hell have you been hiding this voice” look. It’s nice but I don’t want to be invited to too many karaoke parties. XD So towards the end of the night my bosses wife came in and well she was interesting >.> She got kinda drunk and hugged a lot of people. Then she came to me >_<;;;;; Well she hugged me waaaaay too much and waaaaay too tight and waaaaaay to long and she kissed my cheek about a dozen times and kinda landed a few dead on the lips. THANK GOD she was drunk cause I would have been pissed! XD MOVING ON….. I have ice-cream!!! which makes everything better. Finally it was time to go and I got home and for the most part passed straight out!
****Pics will come next post!!!
Wednesday 2nd:
Today I went to Chuo Elementary school. I had four or five classes. A few of the kids recognized me from the children centers I had went to during their summer vacation. Needless to say I got fairly tackled. Well not in hugs but more like random clings to my hands and arms. I'm not sure that the Japanese really hug each other all that much. Needless to say that this day was rather enjoyable as well. I had power point presentations for the kids and they were all quite impressed that me, a foreigner and a black one at that could like video games, anime and so on. Japanese children are so ridiculously cute that I must stick with my theory that they are genetically engineered to look cute, otherwise it would simply not be fair. During my lunch break some of the girls came into the office and gave me a origami flower with a ornate panda sticker in the middle and told me it was a present for me. They then asked the principle and the Japanese English teacher I work with if they could take me and play. Of course I agreed and we spent some time making random origami objects. Needless to say I was rather genki myself and rode home planning once again to celebrate my first days at work. I ended up going out with Rosa to this “steak” restaurant for a hardy meal. However I am forced to say that although the meal was good, there is no such thing as real beef in Japan. I LIVE in the country and I've never seen a cow. >.> After dinner we headed back home.
Thursday 3rd:
This was Takase Jr. High school, and I had no classes whatsoever. I haven't met any of my students at Takase because they were all practicing for their sports day as well. However I gave the principle his Italian tie I bought as omiyage(gift) and he put it on immediately. It seems he really like it, and it looked really nice on him at that. Later on in the day he invited me down to his office to get to know me better. Toshi( the English teacher I work with for that school) came with me as the mediator/translator for the both of us. Let me say that it must be nice to be a principle in Japan. That office was flippin dank. I mean plush leather furniture and large windows, plaques and carpet, and cherry wood items and furniture. I was like “whoa....” He served us dango(japanese sweet), and coffee while we talked. He seems to be a really nice guy and it was nice that he went through the trouble to get to know me. I have to say that though I had a nice day, it was damned hard to stay awake when I had nothing to do for around 8 hours. I went home and honestly I don't remember what I did when I got home so I'll skip that.
Friday 4th:
I return to Koshino, but like Takase Jr. High they were preparing for sports day so all classes were canceled so they could practice and prepare. For most of th day at school, I just went around saying hi to the students and watching them practice. One thing is for sure however... I could never do what these kids do. No wonder most of these kids are in shape... if they weren't they'd never make it through their PE classes. If America did half the things these kids did in PE the weight problem would drop significantly. Come on America... hop on it! So once again another good day at work. Friday didn't come to an end after work however. Me, Rosa, Lawrence and several other coworkers including my boss Fujita-san all met up at this nice Karaoke bar around 7pm to welcome a new ALT. This was one hell of a party. I walked in and paid my 2000yen and then got paid for my summer camp help. Then we went into the room and had a whole bunch of snacks and alcohol. MY boss and Yoko also brought a special jug of sake with them that was an rather high in alcohol content. They said it was strong and that they wanted me to try it because I had mentioned before that I could take strong liquor. When I took some of it and didn't bat an eye, they were highly impressed. Since this was a karaoke bar, there was lots of singing to be had, and finally everyone got to hear me sing. My first song was rather shaky because I was hella nervous, but after three cans of something and everyone having a good time I loosened up and just sung songs. Let's just say went I sung Crazy by Gnarles Barkely they had a fit. From that moment on (My drunk boss) told me that he loved my singing and only wanted to hear more of my singing. -^_^- It was flattering but a little unnerving all at the same time. I received ridiculous amounts of praise throughout the night as I kept on singing other songs. On top of that my boss kept screaming out my name and other people gave that “OMFG where the hell have you been hiding this voice” look. It’s nice but I don’t want to be invited to too many karaoke parties. XD So towards the end of the night my bosses wife came in and well she was interesting >.> She got kinda drunk and hugged a lot of people. Then she came to me >_<;;;;; Well she hugged me waaaaay too much and waaaaay too tight and waaaaaay to long and she kissed my cheek about a dozen times and kinda landed a few dead on the lips. THANK GOD she was drunk cause I would have been pissed! XD MOVING ON….. I have ice-cream!!! which makes everything better. Finally it was time to go and I got home and for the most part passed straight out!
****Pics will come next post!!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
^^ More abouts stuffs >.> hehehe
So with any luck I’ll be able to post more in the future. Even though I have the internet (it isn’t the best) whenever I have a free moment I don’t feel up to writing. >_<;; Lame I know.
Anyway it’s been a week plus so let me try and fill the gaps in.
August 22nd(Saturday): Two friends from Takaoka, well one friend and her husband decided they wanted to pay me a visit. I went to go pick them up at the train station and we went straight to dinner a Pizza Jamborei. They were truly pleased with the food choice and thought it best to come visit me whenever they are free for good company and good food. After that I drove back to my place while the whole way complaining about how it isn’t the safest feeling to drive in Japan. When we arrived at my apartment Nicole’s husband plugged in the Xbox360 and we all began to play BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger. The game itself is quite fun, and I had some decent skill in playing it while back home on the PS3, but all skill went out the window on the Xbox controller. It didn’t help that I hadn’t played it for over a month, so when I finally had my hands on it again I couldn’t remember any specials (not that I could have pulled it off on that controller in the first place >.> ) Other than that we spoke of our hobbies and how we can’t wait to start DnD, and watch anime together and swap music. They are a cool set of cats and I can’t wait to see them again.
August 26th(Wednesday): After a couple days of doing little to nothing I had children center again this morning, and as always the children were cute and once they warmed up were fun to play with. Later on that day my friend Rosa asked me if I wanted to go to a foot onsen with her. It was a why not kind os response and I went with her to Unazuki for the onsen. The water was unbelievably hot, but it did do wonders for my feet. Ironically enough we were in time for a festival that was taking place an hour after we had finished using the onsen. I was very excited and with a little persuasion I convinced her to stay for the festival. The festival if I’m correct was about the harvest, and for the life of me I can’t remember the name of this particular festival. In either case, there was dancing and singing. I bought a cool Japanese festival hat, which I’ll wear for fun one day XD. I even learned a bit of the dance during the “let’s try to teach the audience” part of the festival. It was quite fun, and I’m glad that even though the original trip itself was just for something to do, the latter part of it was truly a treat!
August 27th(Thursday):I had a planning session with one of my JTE (Japanese teachers of English) for my elementary school. The teacher I’m working with is very nice. After planning I ran a lot of errands, though there is some more things I need to take care of. I went to the bank, retrieved my gaijin card, handled my cell phone issues, and checked my mail (which I don’t do that often). I also drove around and tried to better acquaint myself with the area. Driving is hard enough in Japan without knowing where you’re going. However I returned home around 5pm only to turn around and hop in my friend’s car and ride to Jack’s house for a cookout. It was a nice cookout. It was an “American” cookout. Had the most meat I’ve had since I’ve been in Japan. Just plates of meat which we all split and shared (there were veggies too so there was ‘some’ balance XD). Funny thing about it was the fact that we were eating all this American style food with chopsticks. Good food, good company, but I was eaten alive by mosquitoes. I suppose that’s what I get for wearing a skirt for the first (and possibly the last) time in Japanese summer weather. After that we went inside for some poker. I didn’t win this time, lost 40 cents but I don’t consider that a huge loss ^^;;.
August 29th(Saturday): So here we go with anther English camp. This time I had to prepare or assist in teaching about Enviromental Issues and information on Sneek, a city in the Netherlands, The purpose of this Enlgish Camp was to train these 8 junior high school girls on what they should know and act while they take their one week trip to the Netherlands. Kurobe(city where we l live) and Sneek, Netherlands (pronounced sn-aek) are sister cities so this trip is basically for international/cultural exchange. This camp was just as fun as the pervious camp, though the kids here being around the ages of 14-16 were far more capable of understanding simple English. The first day we had workshops and the kids paired up in four groups and demonstrated the traditional Japanese culture activities they were planning on showing the students in the Netherlands. One was martial arts: Judo and Karate, next was tea ceremony, then Calligraphy and finally a poet based card game. The children also preformed two traditional Japanese dances which we were told to learn with them. They bought us paper fans and we did our best to learn the dance with them. It was quite fun, and I quite enjoyed learning how to use the brush for Calligraphy. The girl Reina who seemed to take quite a liking to me, demonstrated Calligraphy and told me that I had a natural awareness on how to write Kanji. Perhaps it’s the art background that helped me with that, but it was nice to hear that I was pretty good at it. Also the woman who taught the girls how to do the traditional Japanese dances told me that I danced them well. Well the first day being as full as it was, was quite exhausting, but much like the pervious camp, that night my boss had a “teachers meeting” after the kids were suppose to go to bed, and we all talked and drunk Chu-hi, beer, and Sake. A karaoke party had been set for the group for this upcoming Friday and my boss told me that he couldn’t wait to hear me sing. >___<;;; I swear it’s peoples life ambition to hear me sing here. It’s so weird!! XD.
August 30th( Sunday): Nevertheless the next day came around, I opted to sleep during breakfast and free time, and felt better for it. The second and last day was much like the first but in pushed in half the time. Dancing, and traditional activities, playing with traditional Japanese toys etc… When it was time to disband and leave the girl Reina stopped in suddenly and told me to come with her. She asked me for me email address because she wanted to talk to me again. Later on that day she sent me the cutest email telling me that she wanted to talk to me again and to sing karaoke with me (see the singing things again >.>). I got home around 3:45pm and had enough time to rest my feet for about an hour or so before changing clothes and heading out with Brian and Rie to this outdoor local music thing Kurobe was having. Getting to the area was a chore. Sooo many flipping steps. I literally thought I was going to die. I need to go to the gym ASAP cause that took too much work. Moving past that part though, we met up with Yuki and found a spot on the lawn to sit. They had kid pools full of alcohol and all you can eat items on the stage. It was relatively quite the first hour or so I was there. Some bands that weren’t really good, and a random group of Japanese people who came and pulled me over to their group cause I was sitting alone for a few while the others were getting drinks. They gave me beer and feed me something they fried on the grill. I’m not quite sure it was, and I’m sure that is for the better. If I had known I might not have been too keen on trying it. Well I rejoined my group and me, Yuki, and Lawrence went to that noodle slide thing where you catch the noodles that slide down the water shoot. I must be getting pretty good with joshin cause I caught a whole hell of a lot of noodles. After a while of sitting and listening to random bands, a group of fire dancers/ twirlers formed behind us. It was quite an exhilarating show to watch. Especially one guy who was particular skilled at twirling the flaming strings and looked really hot doing it (no pun intended). After that rather entertaining sight the crew went on stage where we spent the rest of the evening. Really cool songs dance by cute girls doing Japanese dance moves, but not para para to my knowledge. Then there was an Asian belly dancer who was pretty good, and looked flippin phenomenal. Anyone who look 27 at 40 deserves a prize, that and well damn Asian jeans. Perhaps I’ll acquire some stay young longer genes if I eat enough of their food. *crosses fingers* After dancing around with a bunch of random Asian people and getting my picture taken and told I was a great dancer and my ass slapped a couple a dozen times things quieted down and lots of talking with multiple people ensued. I talked to this group of boys my age (the only ones my age I’ve found XD) about boyfriend and girlfriends, things were into, and cup sizes. Let’s say that was a fun yet awkward conversation. Then there was a guy who kept wanting me to get on his back so he could piggy back me. I don’t know if I said this before but he was really built.. I was quite surprised (nice surprise but surprise nonetheless). I also talked to this one guy who got the cooks to make me food cause I was hungry and thought I was the cutest thing on the planet. Got mine and my friend Lawrence’s numbers and hopefully this will lead to many a party and outings in the future. Nevertheless, after this it was finally time to get home. Believe it or not, despite all the hoopla we got home by one, and then I proceeded to get comfortable and sleep was right around the corner!!!! Ok that’s it for this post before it reached some two thousand words. Catch ya later loves!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway it’s been a week plus so let me try and fill the gaps in.
August 22nd(Saturday): Two friends from Takaoka, well one friend and her husband decided they wanted to pay me a visit. I went to go pick them up at the train station and we went straight to dinner a Pizza Jamborei. They were truly pleased with the food choice and thought it best to come visit me whenever they are free for good company and good food. After that I drove back to my place while the whole way complaining about how it isn’t the safest feeling to drive in Japan. When we arrived at my apartment Nicole’s husband plugged in the Xbox360 and we all began to play BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger. The game itself is quite fun, and I had some decent skill in playing it while back home on the PS3, but all skill went out the window on the Xbox controller. It didn’t help that I hadn’t played it for over a month, so when I finally had my hands on it again I couldn’t remember any specials (not that I could have pulled it off on that controller in the first place >.> ) Other than that we spoke of our hobbies and how we can’t wait to start DnD, and watch anime together and swap music. They are a cool set of cats and I can’t wait to see them again.
August 26th(Wednesday): After a couple days of doing little to nothing I had children center again this morning, and as always the children were cute and once they warmed up were fun to play with. Later on that day my friend Rosa asked me if I wanted to go to a foot onsen with her. It was a why not kind os response and I went with her to Unazuki for the onsen. The water was unbelievably hot, but it did do wonders for my feet. Ironically enough we were in time for a festival that was taking place an hour after we had finished using the onsen. I was very excited and with a little persuasion I convinced her to stay for the festival. The festival if I’m correct was about the harvest, and for the life of me I can’t remember the name of this particular festival. In either case, there was dancing and singing. I bought a cool Japanese festival hat, which I’ll wear for fun one day XD. I even learned a bit of the dance during the “let’s try to teach the audience” part of the festival. It was quite fun, and I’m glad that even though the original trip itself was just for something to do, the latter part of it was truly a treat!
August 27th(Thursday):I had a planning session with one of my JTE (Japanese teachers of English) for my elementary school. The teacher I’m working with is very nice. After planning I ran a lot of errands, though there is some more things I need to take care of. I went to the bank, retrieved my gaijin card, handled my cell phone issues, and checked my mail (which I don’t do that often). I also drove around and tried to better acquaint myself with the area. Driving is hard enough in Japan without knowing where you’re going. However I returned home around 5pm only to turn around and hop in my friend’s car and ride to Jack’s house for a cookout. It was a nice cookout. It was an “American” cookout. Had the most meat I’ve had since I’ve been in Japan. Just plates of meat which we all split and shared (there were veggies too so there was ‘some’ balance XD). Funny thing about it was the fact that we were eating all this American style food with chopsticks. Good food, good company, but I was eaten alive by mosquitoes. I suppose that’s what I get for wearing a skirt for the first (and possibly the last) time in Japanese summer weather. After that we went inside for some poker. I didn’t win this time, lost 40 cents but I don’t consider that a huge loss ^^;;.
August 29th(Saturday): So here we go with anther English camp. This time I had to prepare or assist in teaching about Enviromental Issues and information on Sneek, a city in the Netherlands, The purpose of this Enlgish Camp was to train these 8 junior high school girls on what they should know and act while they take their one week trip to the Netherlands. Kurobe(city where we l live) and Sneek, Netherlands (pronounced sn-aek) are sister cities so this trip is basically for international/cultural exchange. This camp was just as fun as the pervious camp, though the kids here being around the ages of 14-16 were far more capable of understanding simple English. The first day we had workshops and the kids paired up in four groups and demonstrated the traditional Japanese culture activities they were planning on showing the students in the Netherlands. One was martial arts: Judo and Karate, next was tea ceremony, then Calligraphy and finally a poet based card game. The children also preformed two traditional Japanese dances which we were told to learn with them. They bought us paper fans and we did our best to learn the dance with them. It was quite fun, and I quite enjoyed learning how to use the brush for Calligraphy. The girl Reina who seemed to take quite a liking to me, demonstrated Calligraphy and told me that I had a natural awareness on how to write Kanji. Perhaps it’s the art background that helped me with that, but it was nice to hear that I was pretty good at it. Also the woman who taught the girls how to do the traditional Japanese dances told me that I danced them well. Well the first day being as full as it was, was quite exhausting, but much like the pervious camp, that night my boss had a “teachers meeting” after the kids were suppose to go to bed, and we all talked and drunk Chu-hi, beer, and Sake. A karaoke party had been set for the group for this upcoming Friday and my boss told me that he couldn’t wait to hear me sing. >___<;;; I swear it’s peoples life ambition to hear me sing here. It’s so weird!! XD.
August 30th( Sunday): Nevertheless the next day came around, I opted to sleep during breakfast and free time, and felt better for it. The second and last day was much like the first but in pushed in half the time. Dancing, and traditional activities, playing with traditional Japanese toys etc… When it was time to disband and leave the girl Reina stopped in suddenly and told me to come with her. She asked me for me email address because she wanted to talk to me again. Later on that day she sent me the cutest email telling me that she wanted to talk to me again and to sing karaoke with me (see the singing things again >.>). I got home around 3:45pm and had enough time to rest my feet for about an hour or so before changing clothes and heading out with Brian and Rie to this outdoor local music thing Kurobe was having. Getting to the area was a chore. Sooo many flipping steps. I literally thought I was going to die. I need to go to the gym ASAP cause that took too much work. Moving past that part though, we met up with Yuki and found a spot on the lawn to sit. They had kid pools full of alcohol and all you can eat items on the stage. It was relatively quite the first hour or so I was there. Some bands that weren’t really good, and a random group of Japanese people who came and pulled me over to their group cause I was sitting alone for a few while the others were getting drinks. They gave me beer and feed me something they fried on the grill. I’m not quite sure it was, and I’m sure that is for the better. If I had known I might not have been too keen on trying it. Well I rejoined my group and me, Yuki, and Lawrence went to that noodle slide thing where you catch the noodles that slide down the water shoot. I must be getting pretty good with joshin cause I caught a whole hell of a lot of noodles. After a while of sitting and listening to random bands, a group of fire dancers/ twirlers formed behind us. It was quite an exhilarating show to watch. Especially one guy who was particular skilled at twirling the flaming strings and looked really hot doing it (no pun intended). After that rather entertaining sight the crew went on stage where we spent the rest of the evening. Really cool songs dance by cute girls doing Japanese dance moves, but not para para to my knowledge. Then there was an Asian belly dancer who was pretty good, and looked flippin phenomenal. Anyone who look 27 at 40 deserves a prize, that and well damn Asian jeans. Perhaps I’ll acquire some stay young longer genes if I eat enough of their food. *crosses fingers* After dancing around with a bunch of random Asian people and getting my picture taken and told I was a great dancer and my ass slapped a couple a dozen times things quieted down and lots of talking with multiple people ensued. I talked to this group of boys my age (the only ones my age I’ve found XD) about boyfriend and girlfriends, things were into, and cup sizes. Let’s say that was a fun yet awkward conversation. Then there was a guy who kept wanting me to get on his back so he could piggy back me. I don’t know if I said this before but he was really built.. I was quite surprised (nice surprise but surprise nonetheless). I also talked to this one guy who got the cooks to make me food cause I was hungry and thought I was the cutest thing on the planet. Got mine and my friend Lawrence’s numbers and hopefully this will lead to many a party and outings in the future. Nevertheless, after this it was finally time to get home. Believe it or not, despite all the hoopla we got home by one, and then I proceeded to get comfortable and sleep was right around the corner!!!! Ok that’s it for this post before it reached some two thousand words. Catch ya later loves!!!!!!!!!!

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