Anyway it’s been a week plus so let me try and fill the gaps in.
August 22nd(Saturday): Two friends from Takaoka, well one friend and her husband decided they wanted to pay me a visit. I went to go pick them up at the train station and we went straight to dinner a Pizza Jamborei. They were truly pleased with the food choice and thought it best to come visit me whenever they are free for good company and good food. After that I drove back to my place while the whole way complaining about how it isn’t the safest feeling to drive in Japan. When we arrived at my apartment Nicole’s husband plugged in the Xbox360 and we all began to play BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger. The game itself is quite fun, and I had some decent skill in playing it while back home on the PS3, but all skill went out the window on the Xbox controller. It didn’t help that I hadn’t played it for over a month, so when I finally had my hands on it again I couldn’t remember any specials (not that I could have pulled it off on that controller in the first place >.> ) Other than that we spoke of our hobbies and how we can’t wait to start DnD, and watch anime together and swap music. They are a cool set of cats and I can’t wait to see them again.
August 26th(Wednesday): After a couple days of doing little to nothing I had children center again this morning, and as always the children were cute and once they warmed up were fun to play with. Later on that day my friend Rosa asked me if I wanted to go to a foot onsen with her. It was a why not kind os response and I went with her to Unazuki for the onsen. The water was unbelievably hot, but it did do wonders for my feet. Ironically enough we were in time for a festival that was taking place an hour after we had finished using the onsen. I was very excited and with a little persuasion I convinced her to stay for the festival. The festival if I’m correct was about the harvest, and for the life of me I can’t remember the name of this particular festival. In either case, there was dancing and singing. I bought a cool Japanese festival hat, which I’ll wear for fun one day XD. I even learned a bit of the dance during the “let’s try to teach the audience” part of the festival. It was quite fun, and I’m glad that even though the original trip itself was just for something to do, the latter part of it was truly a treat!
August 27th(Thursday):I had a planning session with one of my JTE (Japanese teachers of English) for my elementary school. The teacher I’m working with is very nice. After planning I ran a lot of errands, though there is some more things I need to take care of. I went to the bank, retrieved my gaijin card, handled my cell phone issues, and checked my mail (which I don’t do that often). I also drove around and tried to better acquaint myself with the area. Driving is hard enough in Japan without knowing where you’re going. However I returned home around 5pm only to turn around and hop in my friend’s car and ride to Jack’s house for a cookout. It was a nice cookout. It was an “American” cookout. Had the most meat I’ve had since I’ve been in Japan. Just plates of meat which we all split and shared (there were veggies too so there was ‘some’ balance XD). Funny thing about it was the fact that we were eating all this American style food with chopsticks. Good food, good company, but I was eaten alive by mosquitoes. I suppose that’s what I get for wearing a skirt for the first (and possibly the last) time in Japanese summer weather. After that we went inside for some poker. I didn’t win this time, lost 40 cents but I don’t consider that a huge loss ^^;;.
August 29th(Saturday): So here we go with anther English camp. This time I had to prepare or assist in teaching about Enviromental Issues and information on Sneek, a city in the Netherlands, The purpose of this Enlgish Camp was to train these 8 junior high school girls on what they should know and act while they take their one week trip to the Netherlands. Kurobe(city where we l live) and Sneek, Netherlands (pronounced sn-aek) are sister cities so this trip is basically for international/cultural exchange. This camp was just as fun as the pervious camp, though the kids here being around the ages of 14-16 were far more capable of understanding simple English. The first day we had workshops and the kids paired up in four groups and demonstrated the traditional Japanese culture activities they were planning on showing the students in the Netherlands. One was martial arts: Judo and Karate, next was tea ceremony, then Calligraphy and finally a poet based card game. The children also preformed two traditional Japanese dances which we were told to learn with them. They bought us paper fans and we did our best to learn the dance with them. It was quite fun, and I quite enjoyed learning how to use the brush for Calligraphy. The girl Reina who seemed to take quite a liking to me, demonstrated Calligraphy and told me that I had a natural awareness on how to write Kanji. Perhaps it’s the art background that helped me with that, but it was nice to hear that I was pretty good at it. Also the woman who taught the girls how to do the traditional Japanese dances told me that I danced them well. Well the first day being as full as it was, was quite exhausting, but much like the pervious camp, that night my boss had a “teachers meeting” after the kids were suppose to go to bed, and we all talked and drunk Chu-hi, beer, and Sake. A karaoke party had been set for the group for this upcoming Friday and my boss told me that he couldn’t wait to hear me sing. >___<;;; I swear it’s peoples life ambition to hear me sing here. It’s so weird!! XD.
August 30th( Sunday): Nevertheless the next day came around, I opted to sleep during breakfast and free time, and felt better for it. The second and last day was much like the first but in pushed in half the time. Dancing, and traditional activities, playing with traditional Japanese toys etc… When it was time to disband and leave the girl Reina stopped in suddenly and told me to come with her. She asked me for me email address because she wanted to talk to me again. Later on that day she sent me the cutest email telling me that she wanted to talk to me again and to sing karaoke with me (see the singing things again >.>). I got home around 3:45pm and had enough time to rest my feet for about an hour or so before changing clothes and heading out with Brian and Rie to this outdoor local music thing Kurobe was having. Getting to the area was a chore. Sooo many flipping steps. I literally thought I was going to die. I need to go to the gym ASAP cause that took too much work. Moving past that part though, we met up with Yuki and found a spot on the lawn to sit. They had kid pools full of alcohol and all you can eat items on the stage. It was relatively quite the first hour or so I was there. Some bands that weren’t really good, and a random group of Japanese people who came and pulled me over to their group cause I was sitting alone for a few while the others were getting drinks. They gave me beer and feed me something they fried on the grill. I’m not quite sure it was, and I’m sure that is for the better. If I had known I might not have been too keen on trying it. Well I rejoined my group and me, Yuki, and Lawrence went to that noodle slide thing where you catch the noodles that slide down the water shoot. I must be getting pretty good with joshin cause I caught a whole hell of a lot of noodles. After a while of sitting and listening to random bands, a group of fire dancers/ twirlers formed behind us. It was quite an exhilarating show to watch. Especially one guy who was particular skilled at twirling the flaming strings and looked really hot doing it (no pun intended). After that rather entertaining sight the crew went on stage where we spent the rest of the evening. Really cool songs dance by cute girls doing Japanese dance moves, but not para para to my knowledge. Then there was an Asian belly dancer who was pretty good, and looked flippin phenomenal. Anyone who look 27 at 40 deserves a prize, that and well damn Asian jeans. Perhaps I’ll acquire some stay young longer genes if I eat enough of their food. *crosses fingers* After dancing around with a bunch of random Asian people and getting my picture taken and told I was a great dancer and my ass slapped a couple a dozen times things quieted down and lots of talking with multiple people ensued. I talked to this group of boys my age (the only ones my age I’ve found XD) about boyfriend and girlfriends, things were into, and cup sizes. Let’s say that was a fun yet awkward conversation. Then there was a guy who kept wanting me to get on his back so he could piggy back me. I don’t know if I said this before but he was really built.. I was quite surprised (nice surprise but surprise nonetheless). I also talked to this one guy who got the cooks to make me food cause I was hungry and thought I was the cutest thing on the planet. Got mine and my friend Lawrence’s numbers and hopefully this will lead to many a party and outings in the future. Nevertheless, after this it was finally time to get home. Believe it or not, despite all the hoopla we got home by one, and then I proceeded to get comfortable and sleep was right around the corner!!!! Ok that’s it for this post before it reached some two thousand words. Catch ya later loves!!!!!!!!!!

As if guys trying to talk to you weren't enough here, lol. Then ur still wondering why people tell you "lies" when its clearly beyond cultural boundaries, >_<. Ah well. Surprised u didn't mention your first few days at work on this one though... I think the whole "A-chan" experience is way cuter, XD. Maybe next update then, =3.
ReplyDeletesounds like you're having a lot of fun! dont forget to mention me when you meet cute guys lol!!!!!!!!!! why am i only partly joking (lmao)
ReplyDeleteoh yea, and thanks for the detailed post. it will be good for ppl considering JET
ReplyDeleteGreat to see you having fun. Sorry I haven't been reachable lately. A lack of internet'll do that, though. x_x Hope to talk to you soon! Take care! Much love~
You'll get tons of exercise in Japan, you might not even half to go to the gym! But if you can find one for free that's part of your school I'd definitely recommend it.