When I finally woke up again the first thing I did after regaining most of my vision and answering the calls to nature I opened the present. To my total surprise I was starting at a new Pen and Touch Comic Wacom tablet. I looked up the retail value of these tablets and it was somewhere around two hundred dollars. I literally sat there and starred at it for five minutes. It was such an amazing and personal gift that I’m not sure how he pulled it off, and to this day I have yet to take it out the box. I just say its so pretty and place it back in its wrapping.
After that I spent the entirety of the rest of my day making the final changes on my costume, packing to get ready for the following days’ dress/makeup rehearsal for the play. I managed to get in some talking time with friends on Skype while doing this. Around six in the evening I had my shower done and I was dressed and finishing up my playlist when my MP3 player decided it was time to die. Of course this couldn’t have come at any worse time, so I rushed upstairs and borrowed Dee’s IPod. I managed to get as many songs as I could on there in the time frame I had and then rushed out of my apartment in a panic. I had missed my train so my only other option was to drive there. So pedal to the metal I went down route 8 towards Toyama all the while managing to put make up on my face in the process. Of course the end result wasn’t my best work but it would do considering my restricted time frame. SO! I made it to Toyama ( driving for the first time which could have been a disaster since I had no phone to contact anyone if I got lost) parked at Vannies and had will take me to Ajito (the place where my party was being held) and drive my car back to the Apartment since he still had time before he’d himself join the party. So amazingly even though I managed to get to my own party fifteen minutes late I was still the first person there (of those I invited) and was able to set up the music and other materials for the reminder of the night. So the rest of the night is mostly history.
Slowly but surely people began to show up. Trevor and his axe of awesome came and truly represented his Ares God of War motif. Then again Trevor is a rather talented guy. Tina showed with her boyfriend Hercules and was dressed herself as Persephone. Then not too far after that Jarred, Salvador, Nicole and Ryan, Mallory and others showed. There were several people dressed as normal roman citizens (aka a simple white Toga) and others went all out. My love Tiffany came as the dreaded Medusa, while my friend Shawn came as Apollo (which was sooo convenient since I went as Artemis) so we claimed family ties of awesomeness for the remainder of the night. So dancing commenced and fun times ensued.

Once everyone was full with cake (I got two slices!) it was time for the Roman Quiz I had prepared earlier that day. Nicole, Rachel, Trevor, Shawn and Will participated in the quiz while others watched and some relaxed and talked amongst themselves. It was quite amusing since Ryan was taking score and providing commentary and while the contestants either cursed themselves for not knowing an answer or fist pumped because they did. The quiz was a total of twenty-three questions and the winner turned out to be Nicole followed by Will and last but not least Trevor. However I was impressed with Shawn’s knowledge on the subject which in turn just makes him even more of an awesome dude lawl. When the quiz was over and the prizes were handed out the music came back on. For the rest of the night there was dancing, and from what I could tell people were having a good time. Lots of pictures were taken though I haven’t seen much evidence of the night. I was a bit disappointed because some ppl who I just knew were going to be there didn’t show, but for everyone that did was truly grateful and happy about it. Even Nobuki, Asano, Wagner, and Marianna came and it was so nice to see them. I do really enjoy hanging out with them. I consider Nobuki and Asano part of my Brazilian friend group even thought they are clearly Japanese! I wish Evelyn could have come but she is partying it up in Brazil as we speak. I’m going to have to visit her sooner than later! The party didn’t officially end till I walked out of the place around 1:30am. A group of us went to the konbini since we were thirsty and a koban kuruma ( police car) came by stopped and starred at us until we dispersed. I’m sure it looked interesting. Having a group of about ten foreigners (some Japanese) people drinking soda dressed in Roman Regalia looked a bit out of place! But we didn’t care. I just waved at them and went on my merry now 24 way.

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