Once we finally entered the building I lost literally almost everyone I came with and went off on my own looking and wondering about. Below are pictures of the convention and some of the things I saw.
And ofcourse you have your Game Cosplayers. It wouldn't be a Japanese event if you didn't see cosplay somewhere!
So for a little run down of the things being offered in the near future (though I’m sure all you gamers know what’s going on anyway, here goes nothing):
* Release Dates are Japanese only unless specified*
Playstaion 3 HDD 160GB 29,980円
Playstation 3 HDD 320GB 34,980円
Playstaion MOVE : release date: 10/21/2010 at 5,980円

Playstation Portable 2tone RD: 11/18/2010 17,800円
PSP GO 26800円
Playstation Games in 3D (not all):
Summer Memories
Sly Cooper Collection
Me&My Pet
PowerSmash 4
MotorStorm 3
Gran Turismo 5
Persoanl Game interests:
KillZONE 3
Summer Memoris
Playstation Games(not all):
Grand Turismo 5- release date: 11/3/2010
KILLZONE 3- release date: 2011
Final Fantasy XIV ONLINE- release date: March 2011
Little Big Planet 2- release date: 2011
Gundam Musou 3- release date: December 2010
Metal Gear Solid Rising (lightning bolt action)- release date: TBS
Castlevania:lord of shadows- release date: 2010
Arcana Hearts 3- release date: 1/13/2011
Of the End- release date: 2011
MotorStorm3-release date: 2011
SOCOM:U.S. Navy Seals 4-release date: 2011
Tokyo Jungle
Sly Cooper Collection
Front Mission Evolved
Call of Duty Black Ops- release date: 11/18/2010
Dues EX
VANQUISH-release date: 10/21/2010
Tales of Graces-release date: 12/2/2010
Personal Game interests :
Metal Gear Solid Rising (lightning bolt action) Here
Final Fantasy XIV ONLINE Here
Castlevania:lord of shadows Here
Playstation Portable (not all):
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd- release date: 12/1/2010
Dogma Wars-RD:2011
Unrecorded Chronicles 3- release date: 1/27/2011
Patapon 3-RD: TBS
God of War-RD: 11/11/2010
Lord of Arcana-RD: 10/14/2010
Tactics Ogre-RD: 11/11/2010
The 3rd Birthday
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep-RD:2011
Final Fantasy: DISSIDIA 012-RD:2011
Phantasy Star Portable
Shining Hearts-RD:12/16/2010
Personal Game interests :
The 3rd Birthday Here
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd Here
Lord of Arcana Here
Final Fantasy: DISSIDIA 012 Here
Shining Hearts Here
(online games I was personally really impressed with)
Core Blaze-release date: 2011
Reign of Assassins- release date: 2010 (along with a movie)
Langrisset Schwartz- release date: TBS (from renowned jp console game Langrisser)
Soul Captor
Warrior of Dragon
Tiara Concerto
Personal Game interests :
Tiara Concerto Here
Warrior of Dragon
Langrisset Schwartz
Shiren5 Here
XBOX 360:
Dead Rising 2- release date: 9/302010
FABLE 3-release date: 10/28/2010
Halo Reach-release date:
Monster Hunter FRONTIER 9.0-release date: 9/29/2010 JAPAN ONLY
Personal Game interests :
FABLE 3 Here
Just a picture is needed for this ridiculousness:

Bought mostly from SQUARE ENIX SHOWCASE:
Why was this shit in the floor!?! I was like WTF Sephiroth!!

A list for you all
Lightening Key Chain: Here
Serah Engagement Pendant: Here
Lightening Perfume: Here
Squall Lionheart Keychain: Here
Tonberry Keychain: Here
Kuroshitsuji Keyring/phone charm: Here
Mirror Kerby Plushie!: Here
XIV Moogle Plushie!: Here
Squall and Tidus drinking mugs: Here
PSP COVER (not psp itself):

PLAYSTATION 3 COVER (not ps3 itself):
Persona 4 bag (used as my PSP carrying case):

Whew! I think that is all for now lol