Monday, July 20, 2009

The first post >.> <.< OooooooOOoooo

ALRIGHT! Now that Otakon is over I can finish packing! >.> Yes, I know I should have finished packing ages ago, but I find that whenever I pack early I simply put one or two items in the suitcase. Then I just stare at the open case blankly until some random bit of back round noise snaps me back from my neurosis.

I leave from JFK airport on the 25th and will arrive to engage in a two day run of orientations in Tokyo!

More contact information will head your way when I get it.

Skype: Tis_Anita



  1. let us know how many suitcases u end up taking!

  2. Two fifty pound suitcases, a carry-on and a computer bag.

  3. OMG bet you can't wait. Well good luck! Work hard and play harder! Oh yea bring me back some sake i'll pay ya.

  4. Have a safe trip!
