Saturday, July 25, 2009


KAY!! I am in Japan!. Just touched down at Narita Airport an hour ago and by god it's hot as BALLS in Japan. Though it was nice to have about 50 current JETS there to meet us so we wouldn't get lost and confused.

Wondering how I got online already??? Well I am in a limousine bus that is taking us to the Keio (SP??) Plaza hotel in Tokyo and it happens to have free Wi Fi. So yea... status report: My legs are like Jelly from the plane ride but I have no signs of jet lag. I'm a bit tired though.

It also seems like most ppl aready know someone that is here today for the programme. Very advantageous for them <.< >.>

Oh well, I'm sure I'll be able to reprot more details as soon as I'm at the airport and I can find my camera!!!

Ja ne!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Summer IS hot as balls in Japan, isn't it? The first thing I learned to say there was sitsudou ga takai, which means the humidity is high. -_-

  3. wait, is it sitsudou or shitsudou? o_O.
