OOOOOk, backing up a couple days there has been several things going on with me. On the 6th of August there was a welcome Beer Garden party for everyone in group A and group B who had arrived in Japan. It took place in Toyama-shi, and there were a considerable amount of JETs there. I grabbed this clear drink that you add flavor to and became whatever flavored alcohol you like. I’m starting to get a slight liking for Kirin beer. It could be that EVERYONE drinks it , and I’m use to it being served or/and I’ve just grown to like it. I was sitting with a girl I had met at my first Orientation in New York and she was wearing an awfully low-cut tank top. Needless to say we JETs weren’t the only ones at the beer garden. There were rows of Japanese business man clearly at an enkai (party). So they were having lots of fun talking to her, and then slid comments over to me and this other girl that we were all pretty. We were asked about our jobs and where in America we were from. It was pretty interesting. On top of that, whenever there was a kanpai ( cheers) for either the JETs or the business man the other group would kanpai right along with them. Needless to say it was fun. Random Asian men wanting to take pictures with us and doing weird dances for what reason I’m not sure >.> Alcohol is a hell of a drug…
After the beer garden and a bit of bowling where this one guy named Trevor insisting on humping everyone. Thankfully we JETs are a pretty awesome group of people and no one found it offensive. Most just thought it was funny until it was them being humped : ) After that was done and over with a group of us headed off to this hip-hop bar one of the ALTs (assistant language teacher) mentioned and ended up there for a while. It was small but they played really good music and it all wasn’t hip-hop. We danced till about 11pm and me, Lawrence( kinda my next door neighbor) and Rosa( across the parking lot from my home) hurried to the train station to catch the train back to Kurobe only to find that we missed our last train. After that point we kinda stood around aimlessly for a bit and then returned back to the club where we met back up with people and continued dancing. Around 1am we changed venues to this club/bar called Penny Black. Also another great place for music and we all danced until about 3:30 am in the morning. I had a marvelous time and I think I probably sweated off a few pounds from the sheer activity. Finally however we caught the 4:30am train back to Kurobe and collapsed in our beds around 6am.
The 7th which was a Saturday I believe, I was thinking that I’d better rest up from the previous nights events, but with small coxing I decided to go to the Tatemon Festival (The Tatemon Festival (たてもん祭) held on the 7th and 8th of August is the most flamboyant of the city's festivals. Activities include fireworks and the pulling of seven giant floats called Tatemons along the sea coast to Suwa Shrine (諏訪神社). Tatemons are 15 m tall and weigh 5 tons. They sport approximately 90 lanterns, and resemble triangular sails of ships or piles of offerings in shape. This festival was held in Hawaii as part of the Honolulu Festival in both 2001. ), though we didn’t leave to late. We didn’t see the fireworks but we mainly wanted to see the big boat like floats that they’d be pulling around. I went in Yuukata(a Japanese garment, a casual summer kimono usually made of cotton. ) and attended with Rosa, Yuki (Jack’s girl friend) Brain, Rie and Shino all with the exception of Rosa I played poker with about a week before. We walked quite a ways to get to the festival but it was pretty fun. After that I went to one bar with the whole group where I got a soda, and then me, Rosa, Brain and Rie met up (after I went home and changed into some jeans and a t-shirt) at this club called MoMo’s which was in the old kinda 40’s style décor. I had good food and a few drinks and we all enjoyed eachothers company. It was funny though that Brian and Rie both said that they thought I was 26 or 27 because of the mature air I carry ( they are 29 and 35) and Rosa seemed younger then my actual age even though she’s 32. I found this complimenting, and I do enjoy hanging out with others that are older than I and perhaps have a bit more “life experience” to share with me. Nevertheless we headed home around 2am and I hit the sack.
Sunday the 9th was a clean your apartment day (though it can use cleaning again >.> ) and try to relax. Watched a ton of movies and finished the 7th Harry Potter book. Let me just say that book was good, but damn you J.K Rowling. I’ve never seen such a killing spree of so many WONDERFUL characters in my days. So mad at her for that, but grateful for the world she gave me. I’m totally a Pot-Head and I don’t care who knows it. Though now I need to find another book to fill up some time. Any suggestions???
Monday the 10th was the beginning of Toyama Orientation and because of my finish the 7th book craziness the day before I didn’t sleep so I dealt with this Orientation that lasted from 9:00 till 4:30pm on zero rest. It was good seeing everyone though, and I got to know one of my teachers from Koshino Jr. High a bit better. I don’t think I did much once I got home, but grabbed something to eat and then relaxed till Tuesday which was Orientation just with the Niikawa region JETs. It lasted about 4 hours or so and then we all went to this Indian Restaurant which was fantastic. We all ordered seconds of things and had a blast talking with each other. Towards the end I had a pretty violent allergic reaction to something and I have yet to figure out what it could’ve been. Hopefully it won’t present itself again. By the time this day was over we returned home around 8 something or so. The 12th which is the last day of Toyama Orientation we all went to the midway point of Mt. Tateyama and some climbed to the top. I was going to but my physical state was not the best at the time. My ankles were pretty week and I just wasn’t up to it. So I kinda floated around and ate my lunch that I made for myself in a Bento given to me as a present. I waited for the others to came back, and in truth I didn’t feel like I missed much The mountain will be there and if I want I’ll just head there with a group of friends later in the year and climb it then. We all chatted and then returned back to Toyama where me, Lawrence and Rosa headed back to Kurobe and returned home a little after 6pm. I however returned home to see my car parked in the driveway. Pretty exciting, and I’m getting the Key’s from Yoko-san in the morning. Not quite sure what’s in store for tomorrow but I hope it’s something light. I think I’m a bit physically worn out. ^^;;;
There is more to say but nothing very interesting. Today the 14th I’ve been working on teaching worksheets and powerpoint presentation for my classes, as well as trying to figure out what I’m doing for summer camp.
Anyway, I’ll talk to you laterz!!!
Wow, you keep getting busier and busier... and school hasn't even started yet. lol I saw some nihongo in your post, so how's your language learning coming along? I recently booted mine into high gear again, trying to immerse myself even more than I did in Japan. haha It's interesting that if you just have music or the TV on in Japanese in the background that it helps contribute to getting used to the language.
ReplyDeleteSounds like life just kickstarted itself for ya there, now. =) Meeting all kinds of nice people, both working with you and simply living around you, and it's nice to see you enjoying yourself all the more. Hope to see you out and about with more adventures with the arrival of the car, and plenty of stories along the way. And speaking of stories, that picture with you on the far right? All I can say is Wooooow. =3 It looks good on ya.
ReplyDeleteHey there. Looks like you've been quite the busy body lately... Hope you start to feel better though. Down with the sickness and all. Keep fighting though. I like the yukata though, looks pretty. Well, Glad you are having lots of fun, =3. Miss you lots... take more pictures!!!
ReplyDeletekono kimono = kawaii
ReplyDeleteYukata te ba, yukata! Kimono zyanai yo, =<