Monday, March 15, 2010

March continues.. (still sick!)

March 8th-14th

Monday March 8th:
Normal day for the most part with the exception that there was sun. I went to Koshino thinking that the small assemble was that day but the dates were mixed so I was there a week earlier then I had to be. So I drove back to school and simply continued with my day. Later on that night I had my Eikawa as usual and I did my best to each them web language. Like “lol” or “ASAP” and so on. It was amusing how focused and interested they were in such things.

Tuesday March 9th:
It was a normal non-working day at Koshino until I left for Chuo’s rokunensei farewell party for teachers. It was a very cute set up and they had food and a place setting for me. They were all decorated and very cute. The program the kids put on what nice, and I even participated in a quick charades game. Finally at the end, a pair of kids presented handwritten letters by the students to each teacher along with two daisies. It was really sweet and my daisies are holding up strong even a week later. When it was over I stayed around to mingle with the students and take many pictures with them. I hope to prepare something nice for Chuo at the end of my year teaching there. I am not sure yet if I am having my schools changed but we will see.

Wednesday March 10th:
Work as usual and once I returned home I did a small make-up trail for Lawrence so I could take a picture for the charity show. It turned out looking pretty cool. Later that night I had Jacks Eikawa and it was good times like it always is.

Thursday March 11th:
NOTHING!!!!(besides work) YAY!!!! Cleaning mostly!

Friday March 12th:
After work, I hoped in the shower and got ready to go to Shino’s surprise farewell party at Peyote’s in Uozu. Wore my boats I acquired for my pirate costume a few weeks back and met up with people there. It was nice hanging out with everyone, and we took a good deal of pictures. Once Lawrence finally brought Shino we said surprise to her and all began taking pictures with her. Lawrence had brought a Polaroid camera which took instant pictures and so we used those to make her a farewell scrap book. It was really cool. Oddly enough 70% of the girls at the party were on their rag and thus we took a PMS picture together. It’s true what they say being around others who have it can do to you. Also Sara had some random drunk Japanese boys believing that I was Jay Zs cousin. >.> Oh being black in Japan never ceases to come up with new surprises and unbelievable gullibility

Saturday March 13th:
Sooo I woke up early to catch the train to Toyama, for a fashion show photo shoot. Me and Val met on the train and arrived at Vans house a bit past noon. Rebekah was already there and she was to be the photographer of the whole ordeal. That and it was cool to see her especially since I don’t get to see her too often. There Van teased up Vals hair, and then we organized ourselves as best we could and packed up our things and taxied over to the Ajito where the photo shoot was to take place. There I did her makeup using pink, black, bright orange and white and then dressed her in Vans outfit (corset and lace pants set). From there it was holding lights and having Val pose as Rebekah took pictures of her. The overall look together turned out pretty amazing. For amateurs (some far more practiced then others) we did a damned good job. I managed to see a few photos before I had to rush off to Uozu and they looked good. I am excited to get the photos after they have been edited and begin working on my makeup portfolio.

Leaving Toyama both Val and I caught the train back to Uozu and met up with Adam and Revan. From there I purchased cake and walked to Christine’s house. There was Marissa, Yasmine, Adam, Revan, David, Christine, myself and Val. There wasn’t much food there even though it was a potluck. Everyone mostly made deserts or something sweet since its much easier to do that then it is to make an actual dish. So Marissa brought apples and dip( the dip was good and sweet), Christen made Chinese soup, Adam made mashed potatos, I brought three types of cake, Revan brought Banana cream pie, David brought chocolate covered micon (like an tangerine). Everything there was good but we were all so sugared out. The movies we watched ( since this WAS Niikawa movie night) were The Rock, and Forgetting Sarah Marshal. Both entertaining movies in their own right, though Forgetting Sarah Marshal was far more entertaining even though it was the second time I had seen that movie.

Sunday March 14th:
Another early morning, and more money spent going to Toyama. This time it was a costume meeting at Seattle’s best. Unfortunately only three out of the five of us made it, but we discussed matters of importance anyway. However my health wasn’t the best that morning so once the meeting was over I went back home and cleaned my house up some so Yasmine could drop by and I do her hair. I picked her up from the station around six and from there went to my house, I spent a bit over an hour perming and blow drying her hair. After this was done we decided to eat and went to this place I had never been before. The place itself was pretty cool, and I wouldn’t mind going there in the future.

1 comment:

  1. o.o Serious cliffhanger action at the end there. But it's nice to see you've had a relatively mellow week goin on this time around. Hope you're ready for the busy, 'cause it's gonna hit ya fast! Take care.

    ..and Jay-Z's cousin? Really? >.>;
