Considering I’m writing this two/three weeks after it happened the details of the week are pretty sketchy. However it all ended up leading to that Fridays (4th of June) trip to Takaoka to prepare for Saturdays final shows. The ride up was enjoyable mainly because Niikawa members of the play were all on the same train. The one bad point about this is that I left my sketch book on the train because I was talking with people. As far as I know there wasn’t anything of much note in the sketch book except a Soul Eater drawing I had finished just before leaving work that day. Nevertheless I got there and had a tech run that night in costume. At the end of the night ( I was tired as balls) went to the Brazilian restaurant to eat. It was delicious as always and I am always happy to eat real cow when I have the chance. ^^ After that I camped out at Nicole and Ryan’s place for the night.
Saturday June 5th: The following morning I woke up early to catch the tram to the venue at eight in the morning. I met a few friends at the station and proceeded to tell them about a dream I had that involved most if not all the charity show (play) members. The got a real kick out of it, and it carried all the way to the dressing room where I informed everyone about their roles played in my dream. It was a running joke for the rest of the day. ^^ As usual the dress rehearsals were long but needed and we all ate our fill of Mc Donalds. The sheer amount of cast members that bought food there is quite hilarious. Fast food is truly the best when your stressed out and over-worked and want something quick, salty and greasy! When it was time for the first show we were a bit nervous but it all worked out. I said all my lines perfectly and sung my song. However the second performance at night who had more ppl I messed up one of my lines again, but once again no one noticed. I must be really good at hiding my f’ups hehe. However when it was time to go out and greet the audience as they were leaving the venue, I couldn’t have received more compliments whether it be on makeup or my singing voice or my costume (which the lovely Van made). A lot of people also mentioned that the felt I didn’t have enough time in the play and that they wanted to see more of my character. It was really flattering. I was also asked about next year’s play (which I haven’t even thought about joining really) and if told to pursue acting as a career O.o It was crazy hehe.
After the show we cleared out and I went to have dinner at Gustos before getting ready and heading to Clover Hall where the after party was being held. The after party was indeed and interesting venture. I danced a lot, people called me gorgeous because I decided to curl my hair a little. In fact people straight up didn’t recognize me which was weird in and of itself. It was a good time and people got pretty wasted. I had maybe two drinks and didn’t have anything even resembling a buzz. That was ok though. It’s interesting however to note that I think I might just drink less there then I did when I had parties in the states. I don’t know how that happened. O.o
Nevertheless the party didn’t end till 4am in the morning and Ryan, Nicole and I walked zombified back to their place where we crashed HARD.
The following morning though I was tired as balls I work up around twelve to gather my stuff to meet at Café skew for the Fashion show meeting.. The meeting lasted quite a while but we managed to get buffet lunch at the Brazilian restaurant, and having good food like that makes having long meetings far more bearable. It wasn’t till around six o’clock, a trip to the fabric store, and picking up my things did I get a ride with Everson back to Toyama along with Vannie. From there Vannie waited with me for my train and we managed to have some time together when we weren’t talking about something that was business related. It was nice and we both acknowledge how good it was. FINALLY I made it home that weekend and honestly once I did I have no clue what I did the rest of the night. LOL
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